Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Samples of Legalizing Marijuana Essay Secrets
Samples of Legalizing Marijuana Essay Secrets Top Samples of Legalizing Marijuana Essay Secrets Folks always tend to safeguard their opinions on distinct topics. The actual individuals highly praise our essay help site. The individual can't quit using marijuana although it gets in the manner of day-to-day life. Marijuana is an issue of utmost significance in public discussion in the usa, particularly because it's tough to find the latest research information on the drug to answer issues regarding state or federal laws. The Upside to Samples of Legalizing Marijuana Essay In addition, it's not toxic when compared to the 2 drugs. Cannabis legalizing has a negative effect on the behavior of those who smoke it. Along with its non-addictive properties it's practically impossible to suffer from a fatal marijuana overdose. Marijuana should have fair legal policies just like the rest of the drugs that are believed to be in the exact same category as it. You'll receive your high quality plagiarism-free paper in accordance with your deadline! With 80% germination success and an assortment of Cannabis strains readily available, you can grow a number of the highest quality marijuana plants in your house and around for your varied needs. Take into consideration its relevance and apply the above-mentioned ideas to submit an ideal bit of writing. Thus, the importance of discovering the marijuana strain to agree with your requirements and your financial plan. The 5-Minute Rule for Samples of Legalizing Marijuana Essay Since the drug affected dopamine amounts in some specific regions of the brain, users are prone to addiction. There are additional health conditions that may be controlled via the drug. Folks using lots of marijuana are more inclined to say they notice signs of depression or anxiety. People, using marijuana for a very long time, experience withdrawal symptoms and frequently need specialized treatment for marijuana addiction. As a consequence, patients are denied effective medication that's supplied by marijuana. Pregnant women using marijuana might be more inclined to have babies with developmental and behavioral issues. These individuals can't quit using marijuana though it causing problems in their lives. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Samples of Legalizing Marijuana Essay Cannabis sativa, more commonly called Marijuana, is one of the most abused drugs on the planet. The marijuana plant contains at least 100 unique chemicals called cannabinoids. If you smoke marijuana many times, you're most likely to cough and generate a lot of phlegm. Overall, marijuana ought to be legalized and the policy needs to be changed immediately. Samples of Legalizing Marijuana Essay for Dummies Responsible marijuana smokers aren't the problem and it's time to quit arresting them. In many places marijuana usage is deemed illegal for practically any objective. Possession of small amounts of marijuana isn't punish ed the very same way as possession of large quantities. Marijuana also needs to be legal since it has a medicinal price. There are lots of studies that state that by using drugs lot of health-related problems could be caused. You're able to use foreign information too. Additionally, when applying the positive facets of medical marijuana usage, an individual must also be sure consider the negative side results and the way it will affect the user. The impacts of marijuana differ from user to user. There are lots of misconceptions about marijuana existent in today's world. Though there are certain downsides to marijuana usage, it shouldn't be illegal to utilize it in the united states. The majority of people will concur that Congress should think about legalizing marijuana due to its medical price. When you take a look at the benefits, there's absolutely no question that marijuana ought to be legal throughout the whole nation. There are numerous, many means of referring to marijuana. If you or somebody you know wants to quit using marijuana but has trouble quitting, it can help speak to a counselor. In fact, the health benefits are among the 3 reasons why marijuanas ought to be legal, as stated by the proponents of the idea. The number of individuals pointing out to the quite a few explanations for why marijuana ought to be legal is growing daily. There's a continuous tension between the belief that marijuana effectively treats a wide selection of ailments and the argument it has far-reaching bad health effects. The sensible and adult temperament of the education does not have any doubt been the reason behind its success. Here's What I Know About Samples of Legalizing Marijuana Essay The drug was used in the United Kingdom to deal with MS patients, and it has been shown to work effectively. The recognition of the marijuana can be good for the nation. Additional the legalization procedure can bring different benefits for the usa. In america, marijuana was not widely employed for recreational purposes until the early 1900s. Various compounds in marijuana have various actions in the body. THC and other compounds in marijuana may also impact the way that your body works. Marijuana was known to damage many sections of the human body. Marijuana can impact the pieces of the brain that play a function in our capacity to consider, multitask, and pay attention. Choosing Good Samples of Legalizing Marijuana Essay Legalizing marijuana usage can be helpful to society when it regards the money which can be made from it legally. Users would have the capability to understand what they exactly get in exchange for the cost they give. Heal th is obviously a big concern for the government and that's the reason why they might hesitate to legalize it.
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Blue Ringed Octopus is one of the most beautiful and...
The Blue Ringed Octopus is one of the most beautiful and intelligent creatures. It is Genus: Hapalochlaena and Species Hapalochlaena lunulata. In studying this animal, they have an amazing design, habitat, and diverse anatomy. Considering the Blue Ring Octopus, it is a very diverse and interesting animal. Although people have little knowledge of the Blue Ringed Octopus, it is one of the most interesting animals in the world. Of the many things that relate to its ecosystem, some main points would be: the food chain concerning the Blue Ringed Octopus, the climate where its habitat is located, the worldwide population and certain habitat populations of this species, and what impact the human population has on this species. In†¦show more content†¦The second objective to evaluate is the BROs unique food chain. The BROs only enemy is the Moray Eel. Its amazing hiding skills and wits secure its safety. The Moray however uses different situations to its advantage. One of which is when it is safeguarding the eggs. The BRO will not leave the nest and is therefore open for attacks. The Moray shows patience and continually harasses the BRO until death. The BRO is close to the bottom of the food chain. He eats crab, shrimp, hermit crab and various small fish. It attacks it opponent from behind and covers it with its eight arms to prevent escape. With its beak it pokes a hole into the victims body injecting toxin. It then tears chunks away and lets its body digest it. The third objective to evaluate is the human impact on the Blue Ringed Octopus. Currently they are not in any danger from humans because they do not provide anything that a normal human would desire. Aquarium of Pacific says, Blue-ringed octopuses are not listed on the IUCN Red List nor are they protected. The only impact on them would be people sometimes taking them from the wild or buying them for pets. Since their venomous reputation, humans have been known in certain circumstances to kill them out of fear. This is a rare incident because it uses hiding so people hardly see it in the wild. Luckily, we do not come into contact with them often. A detrimental blow to the population is loss of reef habitat. As their
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Interview Paper Comparative Interview Essay - 1699 Words
Comparative Interview Paper Gladwell Kamaru MidAmerica Nazarene University Comparative Interview Paper I got the opportunity to interview two distinct professional counselors. I will be discussing their similarities and differences in their professional careers; Based on their professional identity, approach to therapy orientation, work setting as well as discussing unique experiences they have encountered. The interview experience was very insightful in understanding the work environment for counselors across the board is very diverse. Moreover, it was a great incredulity to my ignorance of the daily duties of a counselor on a daily basis. I had the privilege to interview two very distinct therapists with different licensure and outlook in their field. Licenses The first interviewee was Mrs. Jennifer Elliot. She holds a professional counselor license (LPC). In addition, she holds a Temporary Masters level psychologist level license(TLMLP) from Kansas State. She describes the TLMPL as a temporary licensure when anticipating to take nationally standardized competency exam (EPPP). It was very interesting and quit a surprise to encounter a master’s level psychologist. She explained that her degree and licensure enable her to do psychological testing, the whole level from selecting individuals, administering the tests as well as Interpretation of different diagnostics. Furthermore, Mrs.Damaris Karanja was my second individuality interview. She holds a ProfessionalShow MoreRelatedInterview : Comparative Interview Paper Essay1700 Words  | 7 PagesComparative Interview Paper Introduction Gladwell Kamaru MidAmerica Nazarene University Comparative Interview Paper Introduction I got the opportunity to interview two distinct professional counselors. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Social Work with Diverse Population for Homosexual Community
Question: Discuss about theSocial Work with Diverse Population for Homosexual Community. Answer: I would prepare myself for my meeting with Michelle by researching on the psychology and mindset of the homosexual community. Immense care has to be taken to ensure the fact that at no point in the conservation the feeling of Michelle is hurt. People who are gay and lesbian have to face the censure of society and they are often ridiculed at large so having a sympathetic attitude towards them is a must. It has to be explained to Michelle that this crisis is not an isolated incident and people of different sexual orientations are being recognized in todays world. People with different sexual orientations are being accepted by the society and they have the freedom to live life on their own terms. Different countries are recognizing the need of homosexuals and they would never find happiness in a normal marriage (Owen-Pugh Baines, 2014). Their physical urges would not be satisfied in such a case and sooner or later their marriage would fall apart. I need to have another important thing in mind- concern for Frank since he is a loving and caring father. Counselling for Michelle should take into consideration the needs of Frank who has been branded by Michelle as a doting father. He is however ill-tempered so care has to be taken to ensure the fact that he does not get angry that might lead to a violent confrontation. An angry person has to be dealt with carefully and he has to be made understood that Michelle is not depriving him of anything. He would after a point of time become frustrated after living with Michelle so for the happiness of both of them, they should live apart. Michelle will allow him to have contact with their children so that he can fulfill his paternal duty. He has to me made understood that he is not being deprived from the love and care of his children. He can continue to visit them and his children would also visit him from time to time. The vital issues that are being raised in this case is whether Michelle is right in deciding to move together with Charlie inspite of being married to Frank. An important area of discussion revolves round the fact regarding whether Michelle was aware of her homosexual orientation before her marriage. She being aware of her sexual orientation before her marriage would raise another concern about her ethics (Bidell, 2013). Was she right in deceiving her husband then? Did she know Charlie earlier? Did she start feeling for Charlie after marriage? These are the different areas that has to be made clear before progressing on this case and offering her advice. Child custody is another area that has to be delved deep into. The needs of the minor differ from that of those who are above 18 years of age. Their point of view is also important regarding with whom they would like to stay. Their desire is of utmost importance and with whom they would like to spend most of the time. Since the child ren are minors (one is aged 10 and the other one is 12) they would need their mother mostly (Ojanen, Ratanashevorn Boonkerd, 2016). The interest of the children is the pivotal point around which the issue regarding custody will revolve. The relationship and the ability of the parents to meet the needs of the children is an area of consideration. Children who are in the age group of 8-12 can talk about how they feel freely (Thomas, 2016). They can experience a conflict in relation to loyalty and if the conflict in between parents is of a high stature, they can reject one parent for the other. They sometimes involve themselves by saying negative things about one to the other. At this age, they have sporting interest and other social commitments. While making parenting arrangement, due consideration has to be given to the interest and activity of the children. The child custody should not have adverse impact on their day to day life. The child should be kept in custody with such a parent that will not hinder their activities that is vital at this stage of life (Sabri, Owoyemi Mangsor, 2014). Being homosexual carries with it a lot of emotional challenges along with concerns. They have to undergo a change in their social status. Added to this factor, if they are getting separated financial constraint will be another arena that has to be dealt with. First and foremost, Michelle has to be made to understand that it is not a crime to be lesbian. A non-judgemental environment should be provided to Michelle during the counseling session that will enable her to come out of the shell and reveal her problems clearly. Her husband being short-tempered poses a problem as she cannot divulge her problems carefully. In addition to this, he is conservative that makes Michelle feel that he will never understand her problems. A therapeutic relationship has to be built between me and the client. As long as Michelle would feel that she is different from the rest, she will continue to feel guilty and repressed so it is necessary to make her understand that she is perfectly normal that will en able her to confront her husband about her condition. Moreover, it is the fear lurking within her that is causing her to hide about her sexual orientation from her husband (Bidell, 2016). Comparison with the thoughts and beliefs of others is often a yardstick in the society in order to determine the normalcy of a person. Society has evolved to a great extent and rebelling against the thoughts of one will not yield any positive results. I will make her understand that a conciliation can be reached between both the parties that will leave no party injured. I will make Michelle understand that this will serve the happiness of Michelle, Frank, Charlie and even the children. Everyone needs to be happy for a perfect balanced society (Meek, 2015). I will impart the knowledge that all kinds of differences give rise to a harmonious society where everyone can realize their full potential. Asif has gone through a lot of hardships in his life. He has faced terrible circumstances that makes him feel lonely and secluded. I will investigate into the work climate and social support system of Asif as a preliminary before the counseling session of Asif. He must be facing culture shock since he has to live alone in Australia completely away from his friends, family and his familiar society (Slewa-Younan et al.,2014). He wants his family to come to him but the procedure is lengthy and he has to tolerate the torture of separation. The death of his 15 year old son who lost his life when shot by the Taliban continues to haunt him. I will like to know about the neighborhood of Asif and the kind of life they lead. Then I can give him valuable advice regarding how he can accommodate himself into the culture of the place. Man cannot live without society and he will never be happy unless he makes friends. A thorough study of the psychological setup of a refugee will help reveal the solution of Asifs problem. Adaptation in a new country is unique for every individual. His life situation has to be dealt with meticulously and adaptation cycle will highlight the difficulties that an immigrant can possibly be going through (Kane et al., 2014). I have to take note of his childhood experiences that can have a great impact on the overall life of an individual. They can throw a great amount of light on the psychology and mental framework of an individual. Background variables has also to be considered in understanding his problem, symptom and influence (Berthold et al., 2014). I will have to engage myself in understanding the socio-economic condition of the place of Australia. Transition-related factors has also to be studied. His traumatic experience that continues to plague his soul has to be dealt with carefully and with a lot of compassion. Self is created on account of interactions with t he society and that we think of ourselves in terms of how others perceive us. He should be enquired about the way other people is behaving with him in order to get a glimpse of the reason of his depression. The issues in this case have been raised by the life circumstances of Asif who had to face terrible consequences. He is living in a single room within a boarding house that is making him feel isolated and depressed. He cannot accommodate himself into the culture of the new place thus making it all the more difficult for his delicate psychological set up. He wants his family to come to him in Australia but legal processes are leading to delays and he cannot have his family beside him to provide solace to his soul. A part of his family has moved to Iran but he has not heard from them since. He does not even know whether they are alive. This is another issue that is ripping him apart. Knowledge about their death would have added some iota of peace to his soul but he has to live and suffer the torment of all these mental burdens. The Talibans caught Asif and his 15 year old son and his son got shot. He lost his life and since then Asif has to live with the painful memory of the death of his son. His son died in his arms and he saw his son slowly moving into the other world. All these incidents have shaken Asif completely and he has to live his life with the troublesome memories of the circumstances and situations of his life. A single bad incident can be tolerated but when so many bad incidents weigh down on the life of an individual he is bound to feel frustrated. He will feel completely shattered and he needs the support of clinical support to help him get over this crisis. Social identity can have a great impact on the well-being of an individual (Alemi et al., 2017). Self is created on account of the process of social interaction and self-concepts refer to the evaluation of other people. This aspect is both created by the individual along with that of the society. The individuals social identity in his original country as well as that of the new one should be dealt with carefully in order to provide solution to his psychological distress. There are various definitions in relation to culture. For some people, culture comprises of values and motives whereas for others culture is inclusive of the institutions within the framework of which human beings live. The manner of thinking and feeling gives rise to culture. There are other people who focus on the genetic influence in relation to cultural traits. Culture consists of socially transmitted mental abilities hence it becomes difficult for a person to assimilate into a new place. It is extremely important to create the element of tolerance and avoid resentment so that conflict does not arise in relation to different social groups (Yaser et al., 2016). One may face difficulties in relation to learning a new language and that can complicate the process of assimilation into the foreign culture. Language influences to a great extent the thought and culture. Without this, one will not be able to understand the verbal or non-verbal interpersonal communication. Learning the lan guage fluently can also help in the process of assimilation (Pollard et al., 2014). Longitudinal cohort study revolving around the Afghans who are newly settled could prove to be effective in the identification of the social and economic factors that are related to cases of trauma and depression. Studies have shown that learning the new language of the place can prove to be an effective tool in dealing with crisis (Pour et al., 2014). Language is an important indicator of acculturation. It can prove to be protective factor as against the impact of negative mental health outcome in relation to particular sub-groups that are receptive of such kind of strategy. References: Alemi, Q., Weller, S. C., Montgomery, S., James, S. (2017). Afghan refugee explanatory models of depression: Exploring core cultural beliefs and gender variations.Medical anthropology quarterly,31(2), 177-197. Berthold, S. M., Kong, S., Mollica, R. F., Kuoch, T., Scully, M., Franke, T. (2014). Comorbid mental and physical health and health access in Cambodian refugees in the US.Journal of community health,39(6), 1045-1052. Bidell, M. P. (2013). Addressing disparities: The impact of a lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender graduate counselling course.Counselling and Psychotherapy Research,13(4), 300-307. Bidell, M. P. (2016). TREATING TRANSGRESSORS: MENTAL HEALTH PROVIDERS AND LGBT ISSUES.Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling Psychology Reflections, 7. Birman, D., Simon, C. D., Chan, W. Y., Tran, N. (2014). A life domains perspective on acculturation and psychological adjustment: A study of refugees from the former Soviet Union.American Journal of Community Psychology,53(1-2), 60-72. Kane, J. C., Ventevogel, P., Spiegel, P., Bass, J. K., Van Ommeren, M., Tol, W. A. (2014). Mental, neurological, and substance use problems among refugees in primary health care: analysis of the Health Information System in 90 refugee camps.BMC medicine,12(1), 228. Meek, J. (2015). The Scottish Minorities Group. InQueer Voices in Post-War Scotland(pp. 89-116). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Ojanen, T. T., Ratanashevorn, R., Boonkerd, S. (2016). Gaps in responses to LGBT issues in Thailand: Mental health research, services, and policies.The British Psychological Society Psychology of Sexualities Review,7(1), 41-59. Owen-Pugh, V., Baines, L. (2014). Exploring the clinical experiences of novice counsellors working with LGBT clients: Implications for training.Counselling and Psychotherapy Research,14(1), 19-28. Pollard Jr, R. Q., Betts, W. R., Carroll, J. K., Waxmonsky, J. A., Barnett, S., deGruy III, F. V., ... Kellar-Guenther, Y. (2014). Integrating primary care and behavioral health with four special populations: Children with special needs, people with serious mental illness, refugees, and deaf people.American Psychologist,69(4), 377. Pour, M. S., Kumble, S., Hanieh, S., Biggs, B. A. (2014). Prevalence of dyslipidaemia and micronutrient deficiencies among newly arrived Afghan refugees in rural Australia: a cross-sectional study.BMC public health,14(1), 896. Sabri, A. Z. S. A., Owoyemi, M. Y., Mangsor, F. (2014). Leading by example: Causes and treatment by an experienced LGBT counsellor.International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research,10(2), 255-261. Slewa-Younan, S., Mond, J., Bussion, E., Mohammad, Y., Guajardo, M. G. U., Smith, M., ... Jorm, A. F. (2014). Mental health literacy of resettled Iraqi refugees in Australia: knowledge about posttraumatic stress disorder and beliefs about helpfulness of interventions.BMC psychiatry,14(1), 320. Slewa-Younan, S., Yaser, A., Guajardo, M. G. U., Mannan, H., Smith, C. A., Mond, J. M. (2017). The mental health and help-seeking behaviour of resettled Afghan refugees in Australia.International journal of mental health systems,11(1), 49. Thomas, C. H. (2016). How well does bereavement counselling in the UK provide for the particular needs of trans people and for their friends and families?.Self Society,44(3), 257-268. Yaser, A., Slewa-Younan, S., Smith, C. A., Olson, R. E., Guajardo, M. G. U., Mond, J. (2016). Beliefs and knowledge about post-traumatic stress disorder amongst resettled Afghan refugees in Australia.International journal of mental health systems,10(1), 31.
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