Monday, September 30, 2019
Juno and the Paycock
uno and the Paycock â€Å"O’Casey’s women in Juno and the Paycock are strong and admirable characters†. Juno and Mary Boyle’s lives aren’t very pleasant in this 1920’s play which is separated into three acts which contain a mixture of both tragic and humorous elements. Juno, the wife of Captain Boyle, is the mother of two children who are in constant need of attention from her. Furthermore, as the play continues this need of attention grows with the facts of financial difficulties, the pregnancy of Mary (daughter) and also her son’s, Johnny, death in the end.O’Casey clearly shows that Juno certainly has her work cut out for her, as she is not only the one person in the family who has a job, but also she is the house-wife and must render her family by making all the meals, going to buy the groceries, doing any form of house work and looking after the family in general. For example, on page 8 she says, â€Å"I killin’ mese lf workin’,†and also on page 12 she says, â€Å"Your poor wife slavin’ to keep the bit in your mouth†¦Ã¢â‚¬ these two references show just how hard Juno works to keep her family happy and alive. This is not made any easier when Mr.Boyle spends any money Juno has saved, in hope for any decent future for the family, on alcohol in the local pub. Therefore Juno cannot afford any type of luxuries for herself as she definitely does deserve it. The poverty is evident on page 12 in Juno’s comment to Mr. Boyle, â€Å"eat your breakfast†¦ it may be the last you’ll get for I don’t know where the next one is goin to come from. †But even this will not cause concern for Juno’s principles when on page six we learn that Juno is against Trade Unions, â€Å"When the employers sacrifice wan victim, the Trade Unions go wan betther be sacrificin’ a hundred. Then Mary tells her that, â€Å"a principle’s a principle†, but Juno stays realistic and thinks well it’s all good and well having principles – if you can afford them. She is the one who seems to keep the family as a unit and this is evidently shown when Juno says, ‘I don’t know what any o’ yous ud do without your ma’. Juno is a well respected member of the family and might even be superior to Mr. Boyle and Joxer, a family friend, because when the pair is talking on page nine, Mrs. Boyle enters and both are said to be ‘stupefied’.After this, she offers him an egg, and he makes the excuse that he’s in a desperate hurry – this may be because he does not want to spend much time there with Juno. Also the fact that Mr. Boyle lies on page thirteen about the fact he was drinking may indicate he was scared of Juno’s reaction if he had have told the truth, but later on in the same page we see that Juno will take no nonsense from her husband when he says he doesn’t w ant any food and she just says, ’Nobody’s goin’ to coax you-don’t think that. This suggests she’s a strong person, and if she doesn’t take nonsense from her husband, she won’t take any nonsense from anyone else. Johnny is a man who relies on a woman to bring him all that needs, displaying men to be controversially the weaker sex. He uses his ‘sickness’ to demand Juno to bring him glasses of water, when he could have easily fetched one himself.Even worse though, is that he is generally very bad-tempered towards his mother, constantly asking her to do things for him, which wears Juno down and makes her irritable, and ensures that she is nearly always in a bad frame of mind because she is never in this state unless annoyed by a family member, so she has her causes for being in bad moods whereas Mr. Boyle has none whatsoever. Then, when she specks out to Johnny’s complaining, it is with fervent remonstrance, she Ã¢â‚¬Ë œcries’, â€Å" who has kept th’ home together for the past few years – only me? An who’ll have to bear th’ biggest part o’ this trouble, but me? but whinin’ an whingin’ isn’t goin’ to do any good. †– this point is typical of the way Juno reacts to and deals with life. Juno knows what is important in life and when Johnny talks about his principles, â€Å"I’d do it agen ma; for a principle’s a principle. †To which Juno replies â€Å"Ah, you lost your best principle, me boy, when you lost your arm; them’s the only sort o’ principles that’s any good to a workin man. †This shows she thinks that fighting for your country and getting injured or dying isn’t going to solve anything, but bring grief, and more work.Juno’s outlook on life is ultimately more important than the others. She has not lost in principles, like her children, but she ackn owledges what’s going on in the world around her – which may be the fact of the poverty they live in and the restrictions because of this and also her family which she cares for so much. Mary seems like a confident girl who knows what she is doing all the time, but when Bentham decides to leave her, she loses this spirit. Before this, Mary was trying to better herself and lift herself out of her surrounding environment.This is shown when on page 12 she talks about her principles and wants to belong in the upper class, but feels where she lives may be degrading her. She was always willing to be challenged for example trying to better herself and becoming fully independent towards the end. Mary also becomes very much like her mother as the play proceeds and we see Mary’s other side, the side who works and it is shown that her mother and she have been brought closer together throughout the story. She now confides in her mother and this is shown at the end when she talks to Juno about Jerry.Also, it is significant that Mary is reading Ibsen plays as they are realistic and unromantic which is similar to this play, but contrasts with her life in general. I see Mary as an admirable person because of these points, but she is not totally sensible because she buys all sorts of luxuries with the money. Religion in Ireland was a very important thing and Mary and her family were catholic. Having sex before marriage was a sin in the eyes of a catholic so Mary was seen as a fallen woman in her culture, and Jerry Devine is one of the people who criticises her for this. My God, Mary, have you fallen as low as that? ‘ he says when finding out she is pregnant, as would any man in 1922 if they met a woman pregnant with an illegitimate child. Throughout â€Å"Juno and the Paycock†, Juno is linked to the Virgin Mary. The Virgin Mary is an archetypal mother figure. O’Casey likens Juno to the Virgin Mary especially with reference to her relati onship with Johnny; the link is strengthened when, at the end of the play, Johnny is murdered, just like the Virgin Mary’s son.Additionally, O’Casey gives Juno the same name as the Roman goddess, wife of Jupiter, King of the gods. Throughout the entire play, she battles against poverty, ignorance, laziness and deceit all to keep her family from disintegrating. The dictionary definition of the word ‘heroine’ is â€Å"a woman with the attributes of a hero†. We expect our heroines to understand more than those around her and with this in mind I would contend that Juno is indeed the heroine of the play.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
“Nick’s main attitude to east coast society is fascination.” How far, and in what ways do you agree with this statement?
In â€Å"The Great Gatsby†the feelings of the main characters are often difficult to work out, and this ambiguity continues with the character of Nick. However, I believe that the feeling of â€Å"fascination†could be taken in two different ways – positive and negative. It could mean that Nick is enthralled and entranced wholly by what he sees, or fascinated in that he is amazed by how fake or shallow the people can be on the East Coast. Throughout the novel, Nick's thoughts and feelings change frequently, depending on the situation he is in and the people that he is with, and this is why it is difficult to try and establish what his main feeling is as it varies so much. I will look at the main points in the book where the East Coast society is clearly shown, and try to establish Nick's main attitude and how Fitzgerald presents his thoughts and feelings to us. One of the primary places where Fitzgerald displays the society to us is when Nick meets Tom and Daisy. When describing Daisy's voice, Nick words phrases such as â€Å"low, thrilling†, and calls it an â€Å"exhilarating ripple†. I believe that this type of description, which occurs frequently whenever Nick talks about Daisy, show his fascination in a positive way with the East Coast world. The words â€Å"thrilling†and â€Å"exhilarating†imply that Nick is almost mesmerised by her as they are so emotive, something which I believe holds true for the society as a whole – it appears as if Nick is put in something of a trance by the glamour of it. I believe Fitzgerald chose Nick to have this reaction to Daisy because it goes some way to showing his feelings towards the East Coast. This is because Fitzgerald leads the reader to believe that Daisy is supposed to represent the people and the society on the east coast as a whole – by making her pretty, somewhat naive and somewhat false, Fitzgerald is able to show Nick's feelings about the situation as a whole through one character. I believe that this aspect of the novel shows mainly the fascination on Nick's part. Although the reader gets the impression that Nick is mesmerised by this world, Fitzgerald makes us doubt this due to the way that he has written some of Nick's narration. For example, when describing Daisy and her mannerisms, Nick narrates â€Å"That was a way she had. †This quote implies that Nick realises that Daisy is not how she presents herself to be, and almost knows that she's fairly manipulative in the way she acts. There are numerous examples of this throughout; Nick explains that Daisy has â€Å"an absurd, charming little laugh†, and the word â€Å"absurd†again implies that he finds it too charming to be real. I believe that Fitzgerald wanted Nick's feelings to be ambiguous – these comments contribute to the impression that if the reader takes away the surface attraction, Nick is actually fascinated by the falseness of the society around him rather than fascinated in wonder. In this way, I would say that Nick's main feeling here would also be fascination – but not in the same way as the fascination with Daisy and her appearance as I believe that to be more of a surface fascination. Whilst I believe these negative comments to be a sign of Nick's absorption in this world, it is easy to understand why some readers could take them as signs of out and out contempt. Contributing to this view would be the way that Fitzgerald makes Nick sound mocking and sometimes sarcastic towards Daisy. An example of this is when he says â€Å"That's why I came over tonight†in response to Daisy's question about the story of the butler's nose. The sarcasm is clearly evident in that reply, and it has an air of mockery to it also as the reader realises that Daisy is perhaps not the brightest of people. Fitzgerald has ensured that the reader knows that Nick has realised this also, and because of this, it would be easy to feel that he is mocking Daisy as he knows she won't understand the sarcasm in his response. This would create the impression that Nick holds Daisy and the lifestyle in general in contempt and would therefore go against the statement that Nick is mainly fascinated by this world. However, I believe that many of Nick's sarcastic comments are actually him trying to be funny, as I don't believe that he would be capable of being nasty to Daisy as he is so mesmerised by her. I also believe that this fits with Nick's perception of the whole society, due to the fact that I think Fitzgerald meant Daisy to represent the East Coast as a whole. Another main situation in the novel where we see what Nick thinks about the society is up to and during Gatsby's parties. In a similar fashion to his description of Daisy, at the beginning of Chapter 3 Nick provides us with a very long description of everything about the parties. The description is very detailed, for example the â€Å"spiced baked hams, crowded against salads of harlequin designs and pastry pigs and turkeys bewitched to a dark gold†. The detail in the description means that Fitzgerald has created the impression that Nick is relishing describing what he sees, and again that he is drawn in by the extravagance and beauty of what he can see. This adds to this impression that Nick's main attitude. In addition to this, Fitzgerald uses lots words that make things sound magical in the description, for example â€Å"bewitched†, â€Å"gold†and â€Å"floating†. These words create the feeling in the readers' minds that Nick is enchanted by what he is seeing – as if he is placed in some sort of trance by the glamour of it all. Again, I believe that this can be linked to how he feels about Daisy – Nick is put in almost a trance by her looks and her voice, and it's almost as if only the odd negative thought is able to slip through that. Again, Fitzgerald makes Nick's true feelings difficult to ascertain, as he puts in words into the description that are very ambiguous in their meaning. They make the reader unsure of Nick's truth in his words, as the way they are taken entirely depends on the individual reader's point of view. An example of this is the phrase â€Å"A bar with a real brass rail was set up†. Here, the word â€Å"real†is what makes the reader unsure, as it could just be taken in the same way as everything else – Nick is describing everything in sight with detail and relish. However, it could also be taken as mocking, because â€Å"real†sounds as if Nick could be making fun of those people who care about and are truly fascinated by the authenticity of the brass rail. The first point of view, that this is genuine wonder from Nick, would contribute to the first interpretation of fascination, as it would demonstrate a real interest in the extravagance of the society that they would be able to afford and expect something like that. However I believe that the second point of view, the mockery, would also contribute to an attitude of fascination – but the second interpretation of the word; the meaning that involves Nick being fascinated by the shallowness and materialism of the people and the society in general. This is because the society in the East is a lot more concerned with possessions and appearances than Nick would have been used to in the Midwest, where family would have been much more important. In conclusion, in creating such intense description, I believe Fitzgerald makes the reader feel that Nick's main feeling here is fascination, but leaves us undecided as to what think. Another aspect of the parties that creates a similar dilemma is how Fitzgerald creates dialogue and conversation during the parties. When Nick is talking to the two girls, the way that the narration during the dialogue between speech is put makes Nick sound potentially mocking – the repetition, for example â€Å"It was for Lucille, too†sounds very mocking and as if Nick feels that the conversation he is surrounded by is very artificial and that nobody there is very individual. This would clearly be a reflection on society there as a whole and would go against the statement in the title. Another possibility is that Fitzgerald wants the reader to feel that Nick feels superior to the people around him, and so is repeating names and sayings in order to create humour – to be mocking in a more light-hearted way. This interpretation would not particularly support the view that Nick is fascinated by society either. However, another interpretation would be that Fitzgerald wants us to feel that Nick is so caught up in the conversation that he is simply writing down everything because he feels it is all really interesting, or that he is too engrossed to filter what is being said. This third view of the narration by Fitzgerald would obviously support the statement that Nick is fascinated by the society. This is the view that I would take, due to the fact that other aspects placed in the novel at this point by Fitzgerald support it – for example â€Å"A thrill passed over all of us†and â€Å"We all turned and looked around for Gatsby†. These sentences show that Fitzgerald wants us to see that Nick feels included in this conversation and is intrigued by it, and so adds to the view that Nick's main attitude is fascination. A similar effect is achieved by the way in which Fitzgerald structures the narration here – when Nick is describing what he sees, he writes lists of the things. Fitzgerald has structured these not in a fluent, literary way but by putting a heavy repetition of the word â€Å"and†in-between each new addition to the list. This makes Nick seem almost overwhelmed by what he sees – as if he is too mesmerised by it all to try and structure anything coherently. It also gives the reader the impression that the objects are never-ending, and makes us feel that Nick believes all the enthralling things he sees will go on forever. It creates the feeling of wonder that I would link strongly with fascination, and as a result I believe it supports the title statement. It could be pure fascination at the glamour and appearance of all these things, but it could also be fascination at just how much there is – Nick could be in wonder at the overly extravagant natures of the parties. Again, I believe Fitzgerald has constructed this ambiguity intentionally to show how Nick has conflicting emotions about the society he is now involved in. A separate place in the novel where we see Nick immersed in the East coast world is during his visit to New York, which we are briefly told about. I believe Fitzgerald placed this description of New York in the novel to show Nick's reactions to the East Coast outside of East and West Egg. I think the description on New York adds to the idea that Nick is mainly fascinated by the society, because Fitzgerald uses such mysterious and magical words in the description – for example â€Å"enchanted†, â€Å"twilight†and â€Å"haunting†. These words create the feeling for the reader that Nick believes he is in some sort of magical world, and displays his obvious liking for the city. I think that Fitzgerald intended this to link with Nick's overall feelings about East and West Egg, as I believe that if he wished us to believe that Nick was repulsed by the nature of the area he would not be so complimentary about New York. The description creates an appealing vision of the city, not one that is meant to deter the reader. As a result, I believe that this description adds to the impression that Nick's main view is fascination. The way that Fitzgerald presents Nick also affects what we think his opinion is about East Coast society, because his personality affects how we take his reactions. Fitzgerald has presented Nick as a character who always looks for glamour in situations, and prefers to see the better side of things. This can be seen in the New York description, when he imagines that he is involved in the lives of the glamorous people around him. As a result of this personality we are given for Nick by Fitzgerald, personally I am more inclined to go with the interpretations that he is simply fascinated by what he sees of the culture in the East. In addition to this, we are told that Nick is very reserved with judgements, and this personality trait makes me think that Nick would therefore not be mocking and sarcastic so early on in the book – i. . during the bits I have written about – which also makes me believe that most of his fascination is genuine. Overall, I would agree fairly strongly with the statement that Nick is mainly fascinated by East Coast society; however I think the type of fascination that he feels varies depending on the situation. I believe that he is fascinated in terms of the glamour of that world and also, at times, fascinated by how materialistic and shallow i t appears to be.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Othello: A Tragic Hero Essay
Considered by some to be one of the finest tragedies ever written, Shakespeare’s Othello tells the story of one man’s fall from happiness to utter despair. This is achieved by Othello’s fatal flaws – his jealousy and pride. Othello’s own fatal flaws lead him to his demise not Iago’s manipulation. This view point is supported in Professor Crawford’s article â€Å"Othello as a Tragic Hero.†In his article, Crawford conveys the idea that the misfortunes that befall Othello are cause because of Othello himself – drama of character – not by Iago or any outside social forces – drama of intrigue. Because of this Othello can be described as a drama of character meaning that it is an internal conflict within the main character Othello. Othello is the one at fault for the terrible events in the play. In order to fully understand what a tragedy is one must understand the characteristics of what a tragedy and a tragic hero is according to Aristotle. Aristotle indicates that in order to be a tragic hero is not perfect; the character is fallible. The character’s fatal flaw or hamartia is the weakness that will ultimately lead to the character’s demise. And for a play to be a tragedy, the protagonist must be a person of high standing in society and that the character must fall from power and happiness in the end. This can be seen in Othello when at the beginning of the play, Othello is introduced as a great man of power and high status to the rest of the characters. This can be seen during Act I, Scene III, the duke and a couple of senators of Venice were discussing issues and when Othello enters the room and the senators say, â€Å"Here comes Barbantio and the valiant Moor†By saying this, the senators make it clear that they hold Othello in high esteem. Othello is known to the senators and the rest of the characters as a great war hero full of pride and courage. However, as the play progresses, Othello’s character begins to deteriorate. His character changes from that of a flawless leader to a murderer after Othello is driven over the edge by â€Å"honest Iago’s†lies. Iago, knowing that Othello is overly trusting, takes advantage of that fact to manipulate Othello into doing whatever he wanted. Throughout the entire play, Iago never made Othello do anything in was all in Othello’s control of how the events happened. Iago merely insinuated that something should be done about Desdemona’s unfaithfulness. It was Othello who jumped to the conclusion that Desdemona should die. Even though Iago said he would take care of Cassio, it was Othello agin that jumped to the conclusion that Iago would kill Cassio. Othello’s destruction is precipitated by his own actions throughout the play. By isolating himself from everyone except Iago, Othello made it especially easy for Iago to influence him and his course of action. This does not mean that the play is a drama of intrigue, meaning that â€Å"outside events manipulated the main character in a way so that he had no choice in the matters at hand†(Crawford). No, Othello was responsible for his decisions meaning this play is a drama of character. An example of a drama of intrigue would be Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare made it so Romeo and Juliet had no control over their two families’ quarrels. They had neither control nor power in stopping the outside events that ultimately tore them apart. Romeo and Juliet were victims of their own parent’s animosities towards each other. This is different from Othello and Desdemona. With Othello and Desdemona, Othello had complete control in ending the confusion. He could easily have talked to Desdemona and stopped Iago’s dastardly plans from the start. But no, Othello let Iago control the situation in what Othello thought at the time was Iago trying to help him. This happened because of Othello’s flaw of being over trusting of those around him. By doing this, Othello made it too easy for Iago to influence his decisions. Iago may have been able to influence Othello’s decisions and the decisions of those around him but it was Othello’s own actions that eventually led to his downfall. The way the events of Othello interacted with each other in a way that made it seem like everything happened for a reason shows the literary merit of the play and how Shakespeare wrote it. The events of the play fit so perfectly with each other, it was almost too coincidental that the events happened in the way they did. For example, Cassio’s lover Bianca walking in with Desdemona’s handkerchief while Cassio is talking with Iago all the while Othello is watching from a far. However, Shakespeare made it so everything was done purposefully when he wrote the play. Everything had a purpose in conveying the story of Othello. By doing this, the play shows great literary merit. In conclusion, the play Othello shows many characteristics described by Aristotle in what makes a piece of literary work a tragedy. Othello was a high ranking person in society full of happiness only to lose it all due to his fatal flaws of jealousy and pride. Because the downfall of Othello is all his own doing making him the tragic hero of the play, the play is considered a â€Å"drama of character where the downfall of the character is his or her own doing†(Crawford). As opposed to a drama of intrigue where outside events influence the character. Due to the purposeful writing of Shakespeare of the events in the play, Othello shows great literary merit along with being a tragedy.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Promoting Healthy Workplace Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Promoting Healthy Workplace - Assignment Example These policies and procedures point at the importance that is accorded to workplace safety by these facilities. 6. In the state of Florida, the laws relating to nurses state that those nurses impaired through sickness, alcoholism or drug should immediately be subjected to investigation to determine their ability to continue serving. In the event medical records or courts prove otherwise, such persons are stripped of their licenses as a security measure to workplace safety. 7. American Nursing Association notes that optimal nurse to patient ration is key to enhancing the value of care that patients receive. There is therefore a need to come up with innovative measures through collaborative efforts that would result to alternate solutions to acute nursing shortage. Also, while developing an optimal staffing model it is critical to take into account aspects such as patient care setting, patient acuity, and skills/education at a given setting (ANA., 2014). 8. The aspects discussed are Needlestick injuries prevention that involves safe placement of sharp object (i.e. needles) to prevent accidental piercing, safe patient handling which involves application of safety handling equipment such as safety gloves to protect nurses from contracting diseases, and finally environmental safety that involves keeping the environment at the work place safe and hygienic. 9. As part of Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, OHSN has come up with voluntary and secure electronic occupational safety and health surveillance system. This system assists in keeping record of recent injuries and apply it as a benchmark against OHSN standard system so as to devise better means of preventing or minimizing these accidents (CDC., 2014). The system has also been rolled out in Palmetto Hospital to serve the same
Thursday, September 26, 2019
On the Veranda Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
On the Veranda - Essay Example My reminiscing takes me back to the days when I was a blushing bride and lovingly carried across the veranda of our house and gently lowered down by my tall and handsome husband Jack, who gave me a warm embrace and then took my arm and showed me around the house. He was an engineer in the construction business and had lovingly designed every bit of the house himself, and would often say â€Å"Julie dear, I’ve built this house with you in mind and it is here that I want to live with you forever†. I would smile back and say, â€Å"Of course Jack, that’s what I want too†. Every evening, when Jack returned from work, I would serve him tea and snacks while he rested for a while on a recliner on the veranda, overlooking a beautiful garden. Besides being husband and wife, we were soul-mates to each other and our conversations did not linger on random issues, but on the other hand, we could talk to each other on just about anything we wanted to say. We were frank with each other and laughed a lot at the humor shared between us. We would often sit on the steps of the veranda holding hands and discuss raising a family. We were ecstatic when I became pregnant and Jack doted on me all the more and would teasingly say, â€Å"I can’t wait for the little one to arrive†. Finally, the great day came and we were blessed with a sweet baby girl whom we named Cindy. We now had one more member added, to share space with us on the veranda. Cindy was the joy of our lives and as she grew up, we often played hide and seek with her.
Market Research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Market Research - Assignment Example This report is designed to have an insight about an organization that is about to conduct some market research into consumer buying habits for the products and services that this company has for sale. Henry John Heinz, the founder of this company said that he learned from his parents’ idea of business which was, â€Å"Deal with the seller so justly that he will want to sell to you again.†He believed in fair play in the business and this quality of him had made him a successful businessman. Heinz is a $10.7 billion global company. The products of Heinz enjoy #1 or #2 market share in more than 50 countries. Every year the company sells 650 million bottles of its iconic Ketchup. Heinz's top 15 power brands are counted as more than two-thirds of its annual sales. There are about 35000 people that are employed by Heinz in almost 50 countries around the globe. Heinz is a responsible corporate citizen dedicated to safe practices, environmental stewardship and giving back to t he society (Heinz Company, Pittsburgh, 2012). 2.0 Research Options What is the correct option for doing research either through external consultancy agency for the market research or the option of doing the research in the company itself. 2.1.0 External Consultants Many organizations take the assistance of external consultants in identifying, recommending and implementing change. There have been companies which have been successful while there are some which have failed after having consultancy from external consultants. First, there needs to be cooperation with the consultant from the entire top management and not merely the CEO or a few directors/managers. Next, there cannot be any information that is out of action from the external consultants. The solution to transformation is that complete information about the organization and its strengths and most prominently, its flaws must be visible. The other feature that makes organizations rely on external consultants is since these co nsultants have knowledge in dealing with companies in similar industries and hence can relate their expertise and experience to advise specific changes. 2.1.1 Advantage of External Consultants 1. External Agencies have research skills that are industry specific. These niche considerations are such that the organization can customize different external agencies to specific internal needs as a means of maximizing their marketing strategy (Joshi 2005). 2. External Contractors have access to target sectors; hence they have underlying knowledge of best practices. Accompanied within this spectrum of understanding are recognitions that industries niches aren’t only accompanied by a specific skill set, but also industry contacts and statistical research that can advance their marketing goals (Joshi 2005). 3. External Agency contractors bring objective viewpoints. The nature of institutional culture has been theorized to have a significant and profound impact on decision-making and co mpany practices. While such uniformity of perspective has noted strategic advantages, oftentimes the external viewpoints that are accompanied with outside agencies can add these fresh and much needed insights (Joshi 2005). 4. They are much quicker as compared to internal research. These agencies have developed streamlining techniques that allow
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Who were the Neanderthals, and what caused their extinction Did they Essay
Who were the Neanderthals, and what caused their extinction Did they influence Homo sapiens, either genetically or culturally - Essay Example Also, These Neanderthals are also genetically associated with the â€Å"Anatomically Modern Humans (AMH)†by some anthropologists based on genetic and cultural evidence, while there is still an ongoing debate about the conformity of the proposition. Anatomically modern humans are the most immediate ancestors of the humans, and possibilities of interbreeding amongst the species are still being investigated. However, scientific study of genetics indicates that humans and Neanderthals have only been found to have ancestral connections about 550,000 years ago. However studying evolution from a cultural perspective indicates a strong sense of connection between early humans and the Neanderthals. These species, the Neanderthals were first discovered in 1829. In 1856, when Neanderthal specimen was found in a cave in Germany the scientists were amazed at the discovery as it was very unique and distinctive from other fossils previously been found, as the skull was oval in shape with th ick and strong bones along with a retreating forehead (Delson 2006). The name Homo Neanderthals was suggested to these unknown species by the geologist William King in 1864 when these were found in the Neander valley in Germany (Jordan 1999). However, after a lot of research the scientists were able to discover the fact that the species discovered in 1829 were the same as these found later. Neanderthals had a strong body built with a heavy structure and a shorter height, ideal to absorb more heat so that they can survive in cold climates. Sexual dimorphism between both genders was comparatively unclear. To shed light on the causes of extinction associated with the Neanderthals, it is first crucial to study their modes of survival and their lifestyles. These species relied on the plants to acquire nutrition for their survival. However, due to the colder climates that they had to face, possibilities are that the plant supplies would have adequately dropped during the winters. Due to t his factor they had to diversify their food sources including meat in their diet to fulfill their nutritious requirements (Shipmen 2008). Anthropological remains like sharpened tools for cutting and ripping away meat preys indicate that these species were seasonal meat hunters. Moreover, when scientists studied the plaque over the teeth of the remains, they even found out that these species incorporates mollusks, sharks and other marine species as their diets. Amongst other anthropological evidences, a flake tool sophisticated in its built was also found which was made after breaking off the stones from the surfaces, though it wasn’t as complex as those tools found amongst other ancestral species associated with humans. Moreover, having studied the anatomy of their bodies, it was concluded that their arms were rather asymmetric which are indicative of the fact that they used thrusting techniques to capture preys, which means that they utilized larger animals for consumption. Along with these remains, other significant discoveries were the needle like tools which can be used for sewing garments to wear. Moreover, Neanderthals are also found to have used fire for various purposes. Thorough analysis of the locales draws attention towards shallow pits along with other even shallower grave like structures. This indicates that these people used to bury the dead into graves and hold funerals to carry these events. The settings also reflect that these species used to live in a nuclear family setup while some instances indicate social gatherings and events to be a part of their lives as well.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Nursing Professional Values Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Nursing Professional Values - Essay Example Because of this concept, society always turns its needs whenever certain individuals seek professional health service to hospital institutions. Thus, closely monitoring the quality of the healthcare service and the administrative process of hospital institution is indeed beneficial for the society themselves. Through this actions, improvement measures and promotion of quality can be further develop for the advantage of the people thus certain essential tools and measures are developed for improving the quality of services provided by hospital institutions. In this regard, the role of the nurses plays a great implication as to how the said process of operational success could be garnered. Nursing students as training professionals in the field of hospital has to have the ability to handle ethical issues within the said industry. Undeniably though, it is essential enough to consider this particular matter when dealing with healthcare professions such as nursing (Lewis, 2005:78). True, being a nurse requires one to become highly involved in different human operations and are thus more susceptible to issues that are related to the said situations. Consequently, the said healthcare professionals are required to learn different levels of ethical concerns even during their training years yet. This particular training ensures them of the capabilities that they have to at least manifest their personal concern for their patients as well as their professional standing for the performance of their duties towards their clients (Potter, 2005: 54).Being a nurse itself requires hard work and perseverance in treating patients from different ages, genders and situations. According to the Department of Nursing Education, applicants for the nursing job must have certain characteristics that will help them give the needed medication for the patients they care for. The said characteristics particularly involve that of the five major values of professionalism that must be given full attention by nurses in performing their duties to the public. The five values include Altruism, Autonomy, Human Dignity, Integrity, and Social Justice (Barnes, 2005: 36).
Monday, September 23, 2019
Oscar Wilde Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Oscar Wilde - Essay Example I. Importance of being Earnest The importance of being Earnest revolved around a man named Jack Worthing, who was leading a double life in order to get away from the societal pressures of acting a certain way. His alter ego was named Earnest and he hid his personality from others by telling that Earnest was his unruly younger brother. Although, a dramatic turn of events reveal that he had been unconsciously playing out the truth all his life, but Jack’s charade depicts the hypocrisy that pervaded the upper class English society and depicted the double standards within the society. His friend dubs Jack’s habit as ‘Bunburying’ and when he soon follows suit, Jack comments, â€Å"This ghastly state of things is what you call Bunburying, I suppose?†(Wilde 367) Jack was discovered in a handbag stowed away in the cloakroom of the London Railway station, only to be discovered by a wealthy man named Thomas Cardew. Cardew adopts Jack and gives him the name â €˜Worthing’. ... According to Walter E. Houghton, Earnest’s character was indeed Jack’s bridge to understanding other facets of life, which is nearly impossible within the confines of the moral code set by the Victorian society. Hence, it can be postulated that Jack’s alter ego was a way for him to venture and discover the intellectual and moral side of humanity. Houghton further notes that the name Earnest slowly evolved not only as a name of the character, but he also took the form of an ideal characteristic that was sought in every individual that centered on the integrity of one’s character. It can be concluded from Houghton’s hypothesis that Jack was playing the part of Earnest in order to unlock the secret to a successful life. Houghton further elaborates that human life is not simply a journey from the realm of the living to the realm of the dead, but indeed it involves the individual actually exposing themselves to all aspects of the society to help strength en their resolve against the forces of evil (Houghton 221). Although, the men are not completely noble when it comes to their alter-ego and they spin an intricate web of lies in order to get the attention of the women they love, but the men are not intrinsically evil. As a matter of fact, both Jack and Algernon were simply escapists, who wished to use Earnest’s name in order to get away from the society’s pressure. It was a mask for the protagonist and donning it allowed him to get the sense of freedom that he had always craved for (Adams 183). When Jack is not roaming the streets of London under the name of Earnest, he is seen as a dignified gentleman. He is depicted by Wilde as
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Effects of temperature Essay Example for Free
Effects of temperature Essay Some of these are variables that were mentioned earlier and could not be controlled, or even variables that were not initially considered. While performing the experiment, some of the oxygen produced from photosynthesis may have dissolved into the water. Microorganisms living on the pondweed may have used some oxygen. Although the amount of oxygen dissolved or used by microbes may be insignificant to the final result, when considered alongside the other variables this factor may be attributed to a significant change in the results. Some oxygen is also used during the respiration of the plant. As only the volume of oxygen produced was recorded the change in bubble size was not accounted for when the results were analysed. For a more accurate analysis of the data, using a capillary tube in place of the test tube so that the size and volume of each bubble could have been measured would have eliminated this inaccuracy. There are also factors affecting accuracy at low light intensities. With low light intensity, the pondweed receives some light energy from background light such as sunlight seeping through curtains or the light from the lamp of another students experiment. To eliminate extra artificial light from interfering with the results, the experiment must be performed in a completely dark room. The methodology of the experiment is also likely to account for any errors made, so in order to improve reliability and validity of the results some methodological features must be improved upon or changed completely. A capillary tube and a syringe should be used in place of the test tube to accurately measure the volume of the oxygen produced. Due to the high rates of photosynthesis of the pondweed, readings should be taken within shorter time periods. Doing so decreases the likelihood of human error occurring. Due to the nature and convenience of the experiment, it could be easily modified to investigate other variables of photosynthesis. An experiment using almost identical apparatus would be to vary the colour of the light the plant absorbs. Using translucent colour filters in front the lamps could vary this. Whilst doing the experiment several times contributed to the accuracy of the experiment, there were factors that detracted from it. The method of measuring the rate of photosynthesis by the frequency of bubbles was one. The volume of the bubbles could have varied, meaning that a larger or smaller amount of oxygen could have been released without being recorded. To eliminate these errors, using apparatus like a micro-burette or some other tool for measuring small volumes of gas may overcome small inaccuracies. This would make the results more accurate and reliable. Modifications: Limitations. The room temperature may fluctuate. Â The concentration of carbon dioxide in the water may be reduced during experiment. The rate of gas evolution is not consistent. Â There are other light sources, which may interfere with the results. Artificial light will increase temperature, as a 60watt bulb will be used, some energy will be lost as heat energy. Â Are the bubbles being observed actually oxygen? Setting up the apparatus and placing it in a water bath may overcome the first error. Doing so will ensure that a constant temperature is maintained throughout the experiment. To avoid other light sources interfering with the experiment shelter the apparatus up so that the pondweed only receives light from the table lamp. To ensure consistency of gas evolution when changing to a new condition, the plant should be equilibrated for at least 10 minutes before taking any readings. Using a dilute sodium hydrogen carbonate solution ensures a constant supply of carbon dioxide to the pondweed, avoiding fluctuation of carbon dioxide concentrations. To test for presence of oxygen simply lower a glowing splint into the test tube containing the gas; if the splint relights this indicates that oxygen is present. Using this test increases reliability of the results. The presence of the lamp may cause the temperature to increase; to prevent this from happening ice can be used to maintain a constant temperature. Further experiments could be implemented to test other factors that may have an affect on the rate of photosynthesis. Light intensity has been found to have an affect on photosynthesis. This can be investigated by placing a light at varying distances from the elodea plant and recording the number of bubbles produced. Other experiments in this area could also include testing the rate of photosynthesis with different amounts of chlorophyll in the plants. References: 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8 Glenn and Susan Toole, (1999) Biology for Advanced level. Stanley Thornes pg. 282-5. 4, 5 and 6 D. O. Hall and K. K. Rao, (1992) New studies in biology, Photosynthesis. Cambridge University Press, pg 13-14.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Effect Of Gender Partiality On Employees Efficiency Business Essay
The Effect Of Gender Partiality On Employees Efficiency Business Essay The swerve of gender partiality is deep rooted in the past; however, it has become a veering trend in present day organizations. Consequently, employees across the globe are experiencing pronounced victimization of sexual partiality in one way or the other. The large scale precarious implications of the menace also entail the need for studying its repercussions in Pakistani organizational culture. Hence, this study is intended to explore and colligate various constituents and attributes of gender partiality, responsible for affecting the workforce efficiency. Primarily, two lineaments of sexual partiality are delineated in this research i.e. bias in recruitment, and rewards and promotions discrimination (independent variables). The study demonstrates the association between gender partiality and employees efficiency / productivity (dependent variable) in Pakistani telecommunication sector, narrowed down to Mobilink GSM (Islamabad and Peshawar regions as unit of analysis). The quantit ative results portray inauspicious effects of sexual bias on efficiency / productivity of the employees. The study has also been incorporated with several indicators of gender partiality and employees performance / productivity. The indicators of employees performance / productivity are perceived to neutralize the gender bias, subject to the existence of organizational justice. The study in hand encourages further exploration with regard to instituting and implementing the concept of organizational justice, so as to safeguard the endangered species of human Resource from inequalities like gender partiality. Key Words Sexual partiality, Glass ceiling, Organizational justice, Employee efficiency, Organizational productivity Type Research paper Introduction Morgan (2006) condignly observes employees as valuable assets that can lend cachet to the organizational image, provided they are given equal and appropriate grounds to contribute in the activities of organization (p. 36). Organizational productivity thus, undoubtedly entails the need for induction of quality workforce. Subsequently, to ensure sustenance of the human resource and to align their capabilities with the organizational goals, effective tanning, and conducive working environment, equilibrate grant of privileges / rewards, creation of opportunities for future growth, and equality on the basis of performance and capability are the inevitable essentials. This is possible only if equality prevails in organizations; free of all sorts of biasness and discrimination, gender partiality in particular. Gender discrimination exists in various dimensions and magnitudes, subjected to the organizational culture and managerial antecedences. Besides other aspects, sexual partiality at wor k place may comprise of recruitment discrimination, biasness in remuneration and rewards, partiality in promotions, and facilitation ascribed to gender based discrimination. Employee, being the pivot of organizational activities, if affected by gender partiality, may experience occupationalism displacing selflessness and altruism. Resultantly, big question mark appears when it comes to Organizational Justice. Injustice makes it difficult for employees to obtain valued outcomes at work. In fact, it signals to employees that they are not valued by their organization. Resultantly, important social norms are jeopardized. Thus it seems likely that organizational justice perceptions may mediate the effects of workplace discrimination on well-being and job satisfaction (Stephan, Johan, Karen, 2012). Purpose of the study The study in hand will inquire into factors resulting gender discrimination and the precarious implications of gender bias on employees productivity. This study is an attempt to establish a nexus with the past researches and reveal the vital factor of gender partiality which is significantly liable for reducing the workforce productivity. Thus providing a food for thought to different tiers of management so as to address the issue efficaciously. This study has been extended to Pakistani organizational culture to test and ascertain the effects of gender partiality. Employees (both genders) of Mobilink GSM (Islamabad and Peshawar regions) constitute the population sample for this study. The purpose of including both men and women in the sample is to eliminate the possible gender distinction in attributions to sexual partiality. From the targets viewpoint, majority of scholars and researchers centering upon gender partiality account for female as the target, and focus on women participa nts alone. Thus, in contributing to research concentrating upon gender studies, it is inevitable to examine mens attributions to sexism and that how mens and womens ascription to sexual partiality can be compared to each other. Literature Review Researchers have identified several forms of sexual partiality in organizations originating from unjust practices of the employer. In literature pertaining to organizational research, notwithstanding the fact that gender related problems were initially exposed in 1950s, but the issues relating sexual partiality were later more pronounced in organizational and management studies during 1980s 1990s. Sexism or sexual partiality World Health Organization (1998) defines sexism as a distinction, exclusion, or restriction which is made primarily on the foundation of socially built gender functions and norms. The terminology of sexual identity holds several illustrations and connections, only few of which transpire within an intergroup structure. Traditional concepts of sexual identity ordinarily refer to an early consciousness of a person as man or women. More recently, an additional notion of gender identity has emerged, one that emphasizes gender as a social / collective identity or gender-derived social identity (Sharon, Hang, Raymond, 2006). Victims of gender partiality Sexism or gender discrimination is often attributed to women; however if practically observed, the phenomenon can be seen imputed to both genders. The intrinsically prejudiced practice of sexual discrimination has affected the global markets precariously. Jennifer (2002) argues that male models of strength and authority within organizations do not have room for the meliorations female bring into the workplace, managerial level in particular. In addition, stereotyping of the female as different to male further encourages marginalizing and undermining their dominance and authority. On the contrary, several researchers grade the feminine gender more dominating when it comes to recruitment and subsequent career progressions. Similar notion has been made by James, Charles and Catherine (1998). They maintain that women have the ability to be considered more likeable than men; though this is a feature which is generally distributed among both men and women. Many of the profession progressing strategies demand for developing relationships with others. Regardless of the sexuality, an individual who is not graded high on the personality measure of likeability would have comparatively lesser likelihood of developing and maintaining relationships with the others. Contrarily, individuals with likeable personalities would have more opportunities to pursue career progressing strategies, entailing relationship building and socializing. Gender discrimination frequently can be seen in different organizations. Most of the organizations are suffering from such problem of discrimination related to gender. Though there are different laws and polices developed by different countries about gender discrimination. But there is no implication of these laws in real context. Women perceived that they are not rated in a justified manner related to training, appraisals, and career development opportunities as compare to men (Blau, 1998; Blau, Ferber, Winkler, 1998). Societal trends Gretchen Courtney (2009) are more concerned with the source of discrimination. They maintain that the responses of men and women for inquiries pertaining to sexual partiality may differ. Their responses will be subjected to whether the source of biasness is an individual or a policy decision / rule. Researchers have established that victims of gender partiality are mostly compulsive or reluctant to highlight the sexual inequality they experience at workplace. This elucidates that one of the prime reason for presence of gender discrimination is the tendency of individuals not to surface the practice of sexual discrimination. Consequently, the individuals inability to report this kind of discrimination is more pronounced in countries like Pakistan; whereby, human resource (females in particular) is comparatively less vocal. Furthermore, sexual favoritism at workplace may give birth to gender discrimination, affecting the workforce in terms of career (progression) opportunities. Antecolet. (2009) is of the point of view that both men and women are dissatisfied with their jobs who experience gender discrimination at workplace. Though according to the results, employment status of male employees is significantly connected to their marital status. On the other hand, employment status of the female is significantly subjected to their performance and productivity. Females are not discriminated on the basis of conscious decision of the management but most of the time management have some precautions about hiring of females for highly responsible posts because it is a general assumption about women that they are to fulfill their family obligations, so they are not suitable for vital designation of organizations (Crompton Birkelund, 2000; Glass, 2000; Waldfogel, 1998). Gender discrimination is not specific for female but often males are also victims of gender discrimination. It depends on the marital status, married males have more chances of getting jobs rather than females. On the other hand, unmarried females have more chances of being selected by the organization than unmarried males (Petersen Togstad, 2006). Sexual favoritism and gender partiality Sexual favoritism and gender partiality / discrimination are often similarly perceived. However, Glenn, James M., James F (2006) have befittingly differentiated the two. They delineate that sexual favoritism entangles the discerning grant of a gain or opportunity at the workplace; in contrast, sexual partiality / discrimination usually involves the restraining of benefits or opportunities dependent upon an individuals gender. At the workplace, when romance involves sexual favoritism, it is important to comprehend the cause and extent of the presence of such favoritism i.e. whether this favoritism can give way to other employees (who are not directly involved in the illicit relationship) for claiming themselves as the victims of sexual harassment. This concludes that sexual favoritism and gender partiality bear both direct and indirect implications for employees. Whether favoritism on the basis of sex remains a legitimate shape of discrimination, or whether sexual favoritism stretche s to the extent of a restricted form of sexual partiality, is an important question which can only be answered through comprehending the definition of sexual harassment. Glass ceiling during recruitment Gender discrimination is also termed as glass ceiling. Most of the time sexual partiality begins with the entry of employees (recruitment) in any organization. At the time of recruitment, men are preferred for strategic posts or decision making hierarchal levels while females are mostly preferred for support roles or for selling jobs because organizations have intent to in cash the appearance of female for enhancement of sales (McDowell, 1997). Gender bias during career progression In broader concept, gender segregation does not mean segregation in terms of gender but it means segregation in terms of incentive for performance. For instance, males and females are hired for the same post they are segregated in terms of salary and other incentives (Petersen Saporta, 2004). The connotation is that sexual discrimination is not associated to the recruitment process alone; in fact, it continues across the entire professional careers of individuals. Effects of sexual biasness Stephan, Johan, Karen (2012) have explained discrimination as the prejudicial handling of individuals. Generally, it is based on association with a certain division or group. Because of discrimination, there is a likelihood of negative effects on the employees productivity, well-being and health. They have also mentioned various grounds of workplace discrimination by calling it a systematic refusal of employees rights based upon their ethnic affiliation, religion, age, sexual preferences, gender, or other criteria. These bases for sexual partiality may consequently lead to more colloquial verbal maltreatment, making reference to the mentioned attributes. Bà ¶ckerman Ilmakunnas (2006) have effectively illustrated the adverse effects of gender partiality on the performance of employees. Clegg (1983) has also highlighted the negative impacts which gender inequality brings to the employees performance. These researchers specifically consider it critical to determine the effects of sexual partiality on the employees turnover, job satisfaction, and absenteeism, vis-à -vis the firms performance and productivity. Generally, women are less motivated towards their jobs because of gender discrimination. They have less decision making-power, receive less training sessions and are promoted fewer than men. Sharon, Hang, Raymond (2006) befittingly sketch the precarious repercussions of sexual discrimination, whereby, employees become discontented and demotivated. They believe that when employees consider themselves as victims of sexual discrimination, their commitment to the organization would be significantly reduced. Resultantly, such individuals would be keen to leave the organization in the pursuit of jobs, where organizations can treat them with more respect and equality. Organizational justice Hilary, (2012) makes a firm argument with reference to sexual partiality by calling it differences in human capital investment and stresses upon the need for organizational justice to overcome the peril of glass ceiling / sexual partiality. Debate continues to swirl, not only around the size of the gap, but around whether the gap is unfair or fair: whether it reflects discrimination visited on women or simply differences in human capital investments that women and men bring to the workplace. In this debate, there is a concern, implicitly grounded in the tenets of an equity-based approach to distributive justice, with finding the correct, gender-neutral way to measure equal units of input from women and men so we can fairly assess whether their outcomes (in terms of pay) are equivalent. With reference to other literature available on the subject, similar notions are proposed in addressing the issues related to effective tanning, conducive working environment, equilibrate grant of privileges / rewards, creation of opportunities for future growth, and equality on the basis of performance and capability. HYPOTHESIS Following hypothesis is proposed for this study: H1: Sexism is directly associated with employees efficiency / productivity. H2: Gender partiality during induction is adversely related to the employees productivity. H3: Sexual partiality in promotion is adversely proportional to efficiency / productivity of the employee. H4: Personality and age of the employee, and societal tendency have negative influence on employees efficiency through gender discrimination. H5: Employees productivity is positively affected by his / her professional ability and motivation. Proposed Model The model illustrated below proposes relationship between independent variable (gender discrimination) and dependent variable (performance and productivity) . Gender Discrimination in Hiring Gender Bias in Rewards and Promotion Employee Performance Employee Productivity Professional ability Motivation Personality Age Societal trend Independent variables Dependent variable Indicators Methodology The study is based upon analysis of data acquired through quantitative technique of data collection; i.e. acquisition of data through questionnaires. The selection of variables is influenced by the past research studies. The analysis are applied on both independent and dependent types of variables; gender discrimination being the independent variable, whereas, Productivity is the dependent variable. Employees of the organization (Mobilink GSM) serve as the unit of analysis. Data Collection Method: In order to execute a more austere test of the proposed model, data has been acquired from diversified respondents through questionnaire. A personally supervised questionnaire has been employed for data collection. Sample: The questionnaire has been personally administered through the concerned people. Out of a total of 360 distributed questionnaires, 300 questionnaires have been received back, resulting into a response rate of 83%. The prime reason for engaging both men and women as respondents is to ensure elimination of biased responses. The varied responses received from the population sample are summarized below:- Characteristics of sample S No Items Items Frequency 1 Gender Female 163 Male 137 45.6 2 Age 21-30 31-40 260 86.7 41-50 28 9.3 51-60 1 0.3 3 Income 25001-50,000 50,001-75000 80 above 75000 212 4 Qualification Graduate Postgraduate 152 Measures: In this study, standardized instruments have been instituted to measure different variables. Multiple scales have been used to gauge the variables i.e. five likert scale, nominal scale, and ratio. All the items have been measured on a 5-point Likert scale as mentioned below: (a) Strongly Disagree (b) Disagree (c) Neutral (d) Agree (e) Strongly Agree Data Analysis: Quantitative method of data collection has been used for subsequent analysis of the research findings. SPSS Version 20 has been used for analysis of the data. Correlation: Kendalls tau correlation has been applied on the data. The Kendall rank correlation coefficient, commonly termed as Kendalls tau (à „) coefficient, is a statistic for gauging the relationship between two measured quantities. It is a measure of rank correlation, i.e. the commonality of the data orderings when ranked. tau = frac{(text{number of concordant pairs}) (text{number of discordant pairs})}{frac{1}{2} n (n-1) } . The denominator is the total number pair combinations, so the coefficient must be in the range à ¢Ã‹â€ ’1 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤Ã‚ à „ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤Ã‚ 1. If the relationship between two gradings is perfect (i.e. the two rankings are similar) the coefficient has value 1. However, if the disagreement amongst two rankings is perfect (i.e. one ranking is reversed to the other one) the coefficient possesses value à ¢Ã‹â€ ’1. If X and Y are independent, then the coefficient should be approximately zero. Regression: Least squares method is most commonly used for fitting of a regression line. This method measures the best-fitting line for the acquired data by reducing the total of the squares of vertical deviations from individual data point to the line (if a point falls exactly on the fitted line, then its vertical deviation is zero). Since the deviations are initially squared and then summed, there are no chances of cancellations between positive and negative figures. Therefore, the proposed research model with control / dummy variables is depicted as following:- Y = ÃŽÂ ²0+ ÃŽÂ ² 1X1+ ÃŽÂ ² 2X2+ µ Y= Dependent Variable = Employee performance and productivity X1 = Independent Variable = Gender discrimination in hiring X2 = Independent Variable = Gender bias in rewards and promotion B0, B1, B2 = Parameters  µ = Error Term Results of the Study The quantitative tools instituted for data evaluation are correlation and regression analysis through SPSS. Descriptive analysis has been performed to present various impression of the respondents i.e., how they respond to the questions. Correlation co-efficient illustrates the firmness of relationship between the variables. The results of this study establish a linear relationship between efficiency / productivity and gender partiality. Regression analysis has been used to ascertain the cause affect relationship between the employees efficiency / productivity and gender discrimination. Correlation: Correlation statistics depicts the association between the variables. It ascertains whether the variables move in similar or opposing directions. It is observed that the employees performance and productivity (dependent variable) is highly significant but negatively associated with gender partiality in hiring and gender bias in rewards and promotion. Collinearity statistics portrays possibility c of multicollinearity of the data; however, variance inflation factor (VIF) which testifies the multicollinearity, establishes the absence of multicollinearity for the reason that all the values of VIF are less than 10 and tolerance values are below one. Bivariate Kendalls tau Correlations coefficient matrix Gen_discr_hiring Gen_bias_rew_pro Gen_discr_hiring 1.000 Gen_bias_rew_pro .383** 1.000 Emp_perf_prod -.667** -.613** * p Gen_discr_hiring = Gender discrimination in hiring Gen_bias_rew_pro = Gender bias in reward and promotion Emp_perf_prod = Employee performance and promotion Regression: The relationship between dependent and independent variables is established through the Regression test. Regression results illustrate the significance of regression model and its informative power. Three step mediation and moderation techniques have been used for data analysis. Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t B Std. Error Beta (Constant) .163 .099 1.645 Gen_discr_hiring -.525 .029 -.608 17.895 Gen_bias_rew_pro -.504 .046 -.375 11.014 Dependent Variable: Emp_perf_prod Y = 0.163-0.362X1-0.341X2+ µ Results suggest that one unit change in gender partiality in hiring is changing (0.163-0.525=0.362) units of employees performance and productivity on average. One unit increase in gender bias in rewards and promotion is decreasing the employees performance and productivity (0.163-0.504=0.341) units on average. Model R R Square Adjusted R Square F Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .932a .869 .868 984.338 .18682 The regression analysis depicts that the value of R Square is 0.869. Thus, 86.1 % variation in employees performance and productivity is explained by the variables in this research; whereas, 14.9 % variation is ascribed to the factors not incorporated in this model. The value of F is 984.338 and is considerably significant, establishing the fitness of the model. The results of the study present significant impact of the variables on employees performance and productivity. Findings of the study The results of the study justify the tested hypothesis. They establish that gender partiality is directly associated with employees efficiency / productivity (H1). Besides, gender biasness during induction and promotion adversely affects the employees efficiency and productivity (H2 and H3). The research also identifies personality and age of the employee as vital indicators of sexism (H4). However, qualification, professional ability, and motivation are suggested as the significant indicators of employees efficiency, subjected to the organizational justice (H5). Limitations of the study The quantitative method of data acquisition is considered as one of the limitations of this research since it eliminates the element of subjectivity, which is essential to cover diversified aspects and varied off-shoots through detailed responses. Therefore, future researches are encouraged to simultaneously employ both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection for ensuring improved results with reference to this vast domain of gender discrimination vis-à -vis employees productivity. Secondly, the study targeted employees of Mobilink GSM deployed at Islamabad and Peshawar regions as the unit of analysis. Thus, restricting the responses to comparatively non-diversified target population. This was because of the inaccessibility to locations like Karachi and Islamabad. For improved results, future work may incorporate responses from such demographically diversified locations. Conclusions The term Employee does not contain illustration of the gender (male / female). Therefore, partiality on the basis of gender must be considered as an illicit practice at all levels. Besides other factors, organizational output is primarily ascribed to the efficiency and productivity of the workforce. The study in hand clearly portrays the decline in altruistic trends and reclines in selfless behavior of the employees, if dealt with sexism / gender partiality. Therefore, it is of paramount importance for all tears of management to ensure gender equality in recruitment, rewards and promotions, and facilitations. This will surely help them acquiring and retaining the best available human resource to ensure enhanced organizational productivity. It will however, be subjected to the presence of organizational justice and equality. The study, culminating on establishing the dire need for implementation and execution of organizational justice, hence promotes further exploration pertaining to the concept of organizational justice.
Friday, September 20, 2019
An Exploration of Different Theories of Evolution Essay -- Life Evolut
An Exploration of Different Theories of Evolution Where did we come from? It is a question that has haunted the entire history of humanity. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors sought to answer the question with myths. Today, we are still struggling with the same questionâ€â€only today we seek to answer this mystery with science. Given various observations, it seems plausible that all life arose from a few very simple organisms millions of years ago. Observations of life will raise two important (though almost paradoxical) questions: Why are there so many different kinds of life? And why do there appear to be some over-riding similarities among organisms? The diversity of life is apparent in the vast number of different species of plants and animals that exist on earth. By the mid 20th Century, there was an estimated 1 to 2 million different types of organisms. (12) Now, however, the number is even higher and is expected to continue to climb as more discoveries are made. That there are prevailing similarities among organisms is equally apparent. (13) All organisms use the same biochemical mechanisms to function. For example, all organisms use DNA and many proteins that make up cells and serve as enzymes are the same across species. (12) Also, organisms that are supposed to be closely " related" tend to s hare certain characteristics. For example, the bones in a whale's front flipper are arranged in much the same way as the bones in human beings' arms and both whales and humans are mammals and therefore more closely related than say humans and squid. (12) Evolution - as defined as - the theory that the various types of animals and plants have their origin in other preexisting types and that the distinguishable diff... ...) The Limits of Darwinism , by David Berlinski 18) The RNA World , by Brig Klyce 19) Viruses: Imported Genetic Software , by Brig Klyce http://www/ 20) Encyclopedia Britannica Online 21) , Encyclopedia Britannica Online http://www/ 22) Article from US Environmental Protection Agency; published in May 1998 23) Mutation: Causes and Repair , by McAllister; slide presentation 24) Duke Study Finds New Causes of Mutation , by Marko Djuranovic An Exploration of Different Theories of Evolution Essay -- Life Evolut An Exploration of Different Theories of Evolution Where did we come from? It is a question that has haunted the entire history of humanity. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors sought to answer the question with myths. Today, we are still struggling with the same questionâ€â€only today we seek to answer this mystery with science. Given various observations, it seems plausible that all life arose from a few very simple organisms millions of years ago. Observations of life will raise two important (though almost paradoxical) questions: Why are there so many different kinds of life? And why do there appear to be some over-riding similarities among organisms? The diversity of life is apparent in the vast number of different species of plants and animals that exist on earth. By the mid 20th Century, there was an estimated 1 to 2 million different types of organisms. (12) Now, however, the number is even higher and is expected to continue to climb as more discoveries are made. That there are prevailing similarities among organisms is equally apparent. (13) All organisms use the same biochemical mechanisms to function. For example, all organisms use DNA and many proteins that make up cells and serve as enzymes are the same across species. (12) Also, organisms that are supposed to be closely " related" tend to s hare certain characteristics. For example, the bones in a whale's front flipper are arranged in much the same way as the bones in human beings' arms and both whales and humans are mammals and therefore more closely related than say humans and squid. (12) Evolution - as defined as - the theory that the various types of animals and plants have their origin in other preexisting types and that the distinguishable diff... ...) The Limits of Darwinism , by David Berlinski 18) The RNA World , by Brig Klyce 19) Viruses: Imported Genetic Software , by Brig Klyce http://www/ 20) Encyclopedia Britannica Online 21) , Encyclopedia Britannica Online http://www/ 22) Article from US Environmental Protection Agency; published in May 1998 23) Mutation: Causes and Repair , by McAllister; slide presentation 24) Duke Study Finds New Causes of Mutation , by Marko Djuranovic
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Hound Of The Baskervilles :: Hound Of The Baskervilles Essays
Hound Of The Baskervilles Setting - About 1884-85, most of story takes place at Baskerville            Hall in Devonshire. The introduction and the            conclusion of this classic mystery occur at Sherlock            Holmes' residence on Baker Street in London. Plot -    We begin our story on Baker Street where Holmes and Watson talk to James Mortimer. He gives him the history of the Baskerville family starting with Hugo, the first victim of the hound, all the way up to the most recent slaying, of Sir Charles Baskerville. The next of kin is notified and he is to carry on the family legacy and live his remaining years at Baskerville hall in Devonshire. Now of course this was the place whereupon Sir Charles Baskerville was slayed by this vicious hound.    As the story begins to develop, Holmes sends Watson to Devonshire with Sir Henry to gather information on the recent murder. During his inquires he came across many figures, there was a Mr. & Miss Stapleton who were naturalists and also lived on the moor. They portrayed themselves as brother and sister, but as you will find out later, they were more intimate than that.    At about this time, a convict escaped who was referred to as "The Notting Hill Criminal", his real name though was Selden Barrymore.    One night while Watson and Sir Henry were in the Hall, they observed Mr. Barrymore (the Butler) sending signals through the window using a candle. Through questioning he divulged that he was really doing a favour for his wife for the escaped criminal was his brother in-law. Baffled by this Sir Henry and Watson went to go and arrest this villain, they reached him in time, but Selden managed to evade the authorities once more.    Through remenents of a letter written to Sir Charles Baskerville prior to his death, it was written by a Miss Laura Lyons from Coombe Tracey. She wrote this letter to finance her divorce and seeing how Sir Charles was a nice man she thought he would agree. The meeting was in Yew Alley in front of the gate at around 2am.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Speech: Universal Health Care :: Papers Argumentative Medicine Essays
Speech: Universal Health Care Topic: Universal Health Care General Purpose: To persuade. Specific Purpose: To Persuade my audience that the United States needs to adopt universal health care. Central Idea: Americans current health care system is faulty and needs to be changed to Universal Health Care for all citizens. INTRODUCTION I. Have you ever went without health insurance between jobs, or while working part time or because you just couldn?t afford it? No having health insurance is a big risk in a time where medical costs are sky high, Prescription drug prices are outrageous and when your paying your family doctor $50 for a office visit. Fifty dollars represents a full 8 hours of work for many Americans. A. Health care reform is needed in America. Service for pay medical treatment leaves uninsured citizens going without health care, or seriously in debt. B. Today I want to tell you why adopting universal health care is the answer to the question of health care reform. II. I have had many negative encounters with the health care system. A. At one time because of being a part time student and employee, I could not get insurance though my parents, my work, or my school. I was not eligible for Medicaid, and found the cost of private insurance was completely out of my budget. 1. This was a bad mistake. I was born with neutropenia, a blood disease that affects the immune system I get sick very easily, and my body has a hard time fighting off any infections and trying to stay healthy without insurance soon became impossible B. Suddenly I found myself in serious debt from missing work, doctor?s office visits, and paying outrageous prescription costs. I am still paying off medical bills for lab work, and other tests and emergency room visits. III. Today I want to discuss the reasons why our current health care system is ineffective, the benefits of changing to universal health care, and we will also look at Hawaii?
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Renaissance 1485 †1660
Chapter 3The Renaissance 1485 – 1660 B. Introducing Political Points of View 1. 2. Francis bacon rose to his chosen profession, the law, until he reached the very top and became Lord Chancellor. At the height of his political career, he was found guilty of taking bribes and was removed from office. Bacon made an important contribution to many different branches of government: political science, economics, physics, literature, architecture, and etc. Bacon’s is most famous for his vision of humanity’s future. Bacon’s best known literary works, The Essays, are intended to help people get ahead in life. Bacon had embarked on a new career as a practicing scientist, when death overtook him. In 1626, Bacon fell ill during his experiment of freezing a dead chicken to preserve it. In all of Bacon’s works, his aim was to make the world better. 3. â€Å"Quickwrite†– five views – You have no knowledge unless you open yourself up to learning. – Reading increases your vocabulary. – Learning opens up your doors to a greater future. – Learning gives you a greater ability to succeed. – Reading will broaden your views on others and their knowledge, along with increasing your knowledge. . â€Å"Vocabulary Development†-The disclosure was set to be given on his inaugural day. -His sloth put him off from completing his work on time. -Her affectation earned her the perfect job. -The diligence of the student earned him the well deserved A+. -We battled threw one more impediment before we reached our goal. 5. â€Å"Yellow Boxed Questionâ €™s†1. Studies serve for the delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight is in privacy and leisure; for ornament, is in discourse; and ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business. 2. Bacon concludes that reading is to weigh and consider and not to be taken for granted. 3. The difference among books are meant to be ‘tasted,†and books that are meant to be â€Å"swallowed,†and books meant to be chewed and digested,†is that some books â€Å"are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not carefully; and some few to be read wholly with diligence and attention. †4. Studies are to the mind as a thumb is to a hand. 6. 7. †Literary Response and Analysis†1. Studies can be misused by being sloth. 2. Reading should be used to weigh and consider, but not to be taken for granted. . The readings of: histories, poems, mathematics, natural philosophy, moral philosophy, and logical rhetoric makes us wise. 4. I think that Bacon’s main idea is one of every day, â€Å"knowledge is power,†is great. Without knowledge how can we succeed if we don’t have some substance to get us started to succeed. Just like B acon said â€Å"the plots and marshaling of affairs, come best from those that are learned. †5. Studying can be sloth but to a certain extent, it contradicts itself. If you study too much, you don’t put forward all that studying into something other than studying continually. If you don’t study enough you can’t put forward an idea without the knowledge of a person who has studying the subject for a long period of time. So it just contradicts itself over and over again. 6. In â€Å"Of Studies†you can see a bit of Bacon’s cynical mind, for example â€Å"books are meant to be tasted, swallowed, chewed and digested,†a book is meant to be read. 9. Bacon’s views are still relevant today, â€Å"knowledge is power†and other points are used to encourage people, especially children to help them succeed with life. 9. â€Å"Yellow Boxed Questions†1. The speaker contrasts the situation of women with that of men by describing how men treat women and how women â€Å"live like bats or owls, labor like beasts, and die like worms†2. The second speaker criticizes the first speaker about how she explain the miseries of women, but no solutions to get rid of them. 3. The third speaker feels very differently from the other two speakers. She states â€Å"we have no reason to speak against men†¦they are our protectors, defenders and maintainers. †She has a complete different opinion than the other two speakers. . You can infer that the seventh speaker is a confident women, the other three women see themselves as inferior, unlike the seventh speaker who sees women as â€Å"noble ladies, honorable gentlewomen, and female-commoners†worthy. You can tell she’s comfortable and respects herself enough to speak of women that way. 5. The speaker’s repeated uses of â€Å"if†¦then†is able to effec t the women to be confident by giving them a statement about a man and returning with a greater and more positive thing a woman is. . According to the seventh speaker, women have no reason to complain because we do not waste our lives or beauty or our tender lives because we’re not out digging in mines or go on dangerous voyages, or burn our faces with smiths’. The gifts that have been given to women are much better, since women are favored by nature in giving us beauties, features and shapes, that attracts men and are forced to admire and love a woman. 7. I agree with the seventh speaker, women are favored by nature, giving us the beauties. A man has his attributes to be strong and lean, as well as a woman can be strong, It goes either way, each gender is unique and has both its weaknesses and strengths. 10. â€Å"Comparing Political Assumptions†-Question #3 Response. In the excerpts from Margaret Cavendish’s Female Options, each of the speakers has their own opinion, voice, and argument. The first three speakers all contain the same starting phrase, â€Å"Ladies, gentlewomen, and other inferior women†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Bring the three speakers together, but all contain their own definition to inferior women. The first speaker wishes to be equal to a man and argues that â€Å"men are happy, and we women are miserable. †Men have the power and the women are helpless, the men have the power to have all the freedom they want, including taking a woman away from their freedoms. Unlike the first speaker, the woman does not complain about the men. She knows she has no right with them, â€Å"our words to men are as empty as sounds,†but she does complain that the first speaker does not speak of any solutions against the men. The speaker tries to solve the problem with them men, yet everything she thinks of is easily disregarded by a man. As well as the first speaker she gives up hope. The third speaker finally speaks highly of men. She argues that there is no reason to speak against the men, â€Å"who are admires and lovers; they are our protectors, defenders, and maintainers; they admire our beauties, and love our persons†¦.. all which we could not do ourselves. †The problem is not with the men, the speaker brings to the table the conflict against Nature. Nature made men more ingenious, witty, and wise. The speaker wants you to love, praise, and pray for men. Without men, women would be miserable the way Nature wanted them to be. Finally the seventh speaker, bring on the greatest change by presenting herself and the rest as â€Å"Noble ladies, honorable gentlewomen, and worthy female-commoners. †The effects the people by an â€Å"if†¦then†structure. She puts down the strength of men by showing positive traits of a woman and telling you how Nature wanted women to be that way. The ones being punished is the men having to deal with the hardships of the work, being burned by smiths, fight in battles, take on dangerous voyages, or digging in mines. Nature blessed the woman with beauties, features, and enticing attractive. Men are the ones who suffer, they are forced to admire a woman and love us. Compared to the seventeenth century, women still doubt if they are the inferior sex. Compared to the seventeenth century, it is no longer valid for the man to just receive the education or take on the â€Å"strong†men job, such a digging in mines or fight in battles. Women are treated equally according to the government, woman may do as they please without the oppression of being a woman, yet its not all ways this way and women are till being oppressed for their â€Å"inferior†role. 10. â€Å"Summary of John Milton†Early in John Milton’s life it was said that he’d be a great poet. His teachers parents encouraged him in his ambition in poetry. Milton’s father was a musician and a prosperous business man. Milton received his education at St. Paul’s School and Cambridge University. Milto n spent eight years after college continuing his education by himself, since he firmly believed that a poet must be a person of learning, familiar with ancient and contemporary philosophy, history, languages, and literatures. Milton believed that a poet must be active in the life of his time and entered the paper warfare that accompanied the conflict between King Charles and his Parliament. Some of his work was very elaborate and a few of them very insulting in support of the Parliament party. Some people have referred Milton as a Puritan because of his work. During part of this period, Milton served in the government of England under Oliver Cromwell. Milton was responsible for translating all correspondence with foreign countries. Milton’s eyesight was gradually falling. By 1652, he could only distinguish day from night. By the age of forty-four, before he had finished his life work, Milton was completely blind. Milton published Paradise Lost twice: first in a ten book version in 1667 and then in twelve books in 1676, the year of his death. It is not exaggeration to say that Milton in one way or another worked on this epic all his life. Paradise Lost is one of the most brilliant achievements in English poetry. 11. â€Å"Yellow Boxed Questions†1. The subject of Milton’s story is man’s first disobedience. 2. Milton’s purpose is to show men how God was and his ways. 3. The loss of happiness and pain torments Satan in hell. 4. Milton uses the images of a great furnace flames, yet no light from the flame, no darkness visible, and regions of sorrow to describe hell Chapter 4 The Restoration and 18th Century 1660 – 1800 A. A Modest Proposal, Top of the Food Chain, from Don Quixote 1. â€Å"Summary of Jonathan Swift†Jonathan Swift is the principal prose writer of the early eighteenth century and England’s greatest satirist. Swift was a Anglo – Irishman. Swift was born in Dublin of English parents. Swift was abducted by his nurse which he spent three years in England with her. Swift went to England to become Secretary to Sir William Temple. The job gave him the opportunity to mingle with the public, read, and look about for a more important and permanent position. Swift did not write for fame or money; most of his books and pamphlets were published anonymously. Swift’s aim in writing was to improve human conduct, to make people more decent and humane. 2. Verbal Irony- occurs when a writer or speaker says one thing but really means something quite different. Logical Appeals- using evidence such as facts or statistics to support a position. Emotional Appeals- passages that use words that arouse strong feelings. Ethical Appeals- passages that establish the writer’s qualifications and sincerity. 3. â€Å"Vocabulary Sentences. †1. The homeless man had no sustenance to continue with his life. 2. Our landfills are glutted with trash. 3. The young man had no deference for his parents. 4. It was very scrupulous to decide which college to attend. 5. The newspapers were unanimous in their censure of the tax proposal. 6. It is expedient that you go. 7. The conversation slowly digressed over time. 8. The woman procured the first tickets on sale. 9. The press only gives the public the brevity of the story. 10. The poor man had much animosity against the rich man. 1. 6. â€Å"Practice†1. A- dismayed : happy. 2. A- foolish : intense. 3. B- cautious : careless. 4. B- emotion : happiness. 7. Satire- any piece of writing designed to make its readers feel critical of themselves, of their fellow human beings, and of their society. Some satire’s purpose is to make us laugh at huma n foolishness and weakness, these satires are good natured and laugh provoking. Other satires may make us laugh, but it is often laughter of a bitter kind, arising from anger and indignation at human vices and crimes. 8. â€Å"Summary of Miguel de Cervantes†Miguel de Cervantes was born near Madrid, Spain in 1547. In 1569, Cervantes saw no prospects at home and enlisted in the army, fought valiantly, and was wounded at the Battle of Lepanto. His left hand was crippled, earning him the nickname el manco de Lepanto. Cervantes hoped to be promoted to an army captain after the way, but his plans were ruined when he was captured by Barbary pirates and held as a slave for five years in Algeria. Over the years he worked as a playwright, bureaucrat, and tax collector before finally landing in jail for failure to pay his debts. According to legend, it was while he was in jail that the idea for Don Quioxte came to Cervantes. The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha was published in January of 1605 and immediately caused sensation. Cervantes, at the age of fifty-five, was now a famous author, but he still was poor. Spain’s greatest writer died in poverty on April 22, 1616. 9. B. Women’s Rights: Introducing Political Points of View 1. 2. â€Å"Summary of Mary Wollstonecraft†English feminism begins with Mary Wollstonecraft who demanded â€Å"Justice for one half of the human race,†that is, women. At nineteen and self-educated, Wollstonecraft left home to work in some of the few occupations legally available to single women. She became a governess for a wealthy Irish family and witnessed the â€Å"dissipated lives the women of quality lead. †Wollstonecraft left Ireland and moved to London to work as an editorial assistant. Wollstonecraft publishes A Vindication f Rights of Men, which defended the principles of human equality underlying the French revolution. Later Wollstonecraft published A vindication of the Rights of Woman, an impassioned criticism of social and economic institutions that sanctioned women’s inequality. Mary Wollstonecraft died from septicemia and her daughter successes to write the famous Frankenstein. . â€Å"Vocabulary Sentences†1. The husband showed great solicitude toward his wife’s health. 2. We had to have a non partial jury. 3. The man deplored staying home than going on the camping trip. 4. The teacher could not control the fastidious class. 5. His specious attitude did not win over his boos. 6. The new law was to be abrogated by the public. 7. Her story as very cursory to believe. 8. We gave a cursory glance at the headlines. 9. The girl had a insipid personality. 10. The Alcoholic had a propensity to drink too much. 4. â€Å"Vocabulary Development†1. A parent would show great solicitude for their children’s grades. 2. The opposite of a partial juror, is a impartial juror. 3. The opposite of deplore would be to accept. 4. The opposite of a fastidious person would be a calm person. 5. You would reject a specious argument because it is not true. 6. If you have abrogated your responsibilities, you have abandoned them. 7. The opposite of a cursory investigation would be a true investigation. 8. If you vitiate a argument you weaken it. 9. The opposite of a insipid argument would be a upbeat argument. 10. If you have a propensity for lying people would never believe you.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Tobacco Illegality
Making Tobacco Illegal: The Fight That Should be Over I. Tobacco is ever present in this modern society. It is a daily encounter, and little is thought of it. This encounter may be passing through a cloud of smoke on the way to work, or stepping outside to smoke a cigarette, if a person so chooses. Tobacco cannot be ignored with people inhaling smoke by choice or not. In â€Å"Smoke alarm,†the article illustrates the dangers of inhaling secondhand smoke that is not directly inhaled, saying,†Nonsmokers have to breathe sidestream smoke continually.This smoke, which does not pass through a filter, is burdened with twice the tar and nicotine, 50 times the ammonia and substantially more cancer-causing substances, like nitrosamines, than mainstream smoke,†(Cousins). Smoking strongly affects the health of an individual in a negative way, and it affects the health of people around a smoker as well. As the health effects of smoking are becoming increasingly well known, i t is difficult to not acknowledge them and take action accordingly. Why then, do people continue to smoke? The addictiveness of cigarettes is one reason why. The nicotine in cigarettes is highly addictive. Medical experts say that it is as addictive as heroin or cocaine,†(Kennedy). Once a person starts smoking, they become hooked on it and it becomes more difficult to stop and quit with each cigarette they have. In turn, being physically and mentally reliant to a product that so negatively impacts one’s health leads to the deaths of well over 400,000 people every year in the United States alone. That number is higher than the deaths of automobile accidents, alcohol abuse, illegal drugs, AIDS, murder, and suicide combined (Kennedy).Our society has not lived without tobacco though, as it may seem obvious to do knowing the harmful effects coupled with that staggering number in mind. The tobacco companies show why all in their numbers. â€Å"Tobacco is the country's fifth -largest cash crop. The industry's revenues compare with those of the aerospace and electrical-equipment fields; consumers spend about the same amount of money on cigarettes that they invest in radios, televisions, records and musical instruments combined.Excise taxes alone on tobacco add about $6 billion annually to state and federal coffers,†(Cousins). With that significant of an effect on the economy of the United States, living without tobacco would cause an enormous impact on the people of America. The tobacco companies have a stronghold in the economy of the United States and with certainty they do not want tobacco gone. But many people make a strong push for tobacco to be outlawed as it has been in other countries. A regulation of tobacco is the least they push for and that voice has not been quiet. II.Edward Kennedy defines the fight against tobacco in his article â€Å"The Food and Drug Administration Should Have the Authority to Regulate Tobacco Products. †S enator Kennedy understands that the complete illegalization of tobacco products is out of hand currently, and the best option he has is to allow for the regulation through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This article utilizes the overwhelming impact that tobacco products and smoking have on the health of Americans and the dishonesty and the ignorant practices of the tobacco companies to prove why a regulation at the least is needed.Kennedy details in this article the marketing techniques that tobacco companies use in their advertising to attract new smokers, the bent claims the the companies make and the concealment of information. Annually, the tobacco industry will promote its products using thirteen billion dollars. A large majority of that money is going for the crooked process to get children to try smoking and get hooked on it before they are even legally allowed to (Kennedy). With the seemingly infinite number of deaths from tobacco stated above, it is cruel that the companies would want this for children as well.Without anymore advertisement than there currently is, four thousand children smoke for the first time this day which hooks twenty five percent of them (Kennedy). Tobacco companies have been proven to place claims on their products that hold false information, and they naturally conceal the true dangers of their products from the consumers. All of these wrongdoings show that there is a need for actions to be taken, and that action is a regulation. Kennedy also proves the need for an FDA regulation by showing the horrible health effects smoking has on people. Six million of the youth today will die from diseases tobacco has caused, and that is over four hundred thousand every year†. This number may be caused by â€Å"the nicotine in cigarettes being as addictive as hard drugs†(Kennedy). The levels are still on the rise and that is another reason why so many of the 40 million Americans hooked on cigarettes die (Kennedy). Peo ple against the regulation, Kennedy says, say that the â€Å"FDA should not regulate a product as dangerous as tobacco†(Kennedy). It is just the opposite, however, because such a dangerous product needs more regulation to make it less dangerous.Something must be done, because â€Å"four hundred thousand deaths a year†and â€Å"four thousand new child smokers a day†is too high (Kennedy). Overall, this article did an excellent job of showing just why a regulation on tobacco is needed. The fight to regulate and ban smoking in the United States should be much easier than what it is. The youth of America are being educated on the dangers of smoking so often that they should never think to take a single puff of a cigarette, but still so many do.As with countless other actions, the first step is the most important one, and the decision to try a tobacco product could hurt them for the remainder of their life. From that first step into the world of tobacco, the qualit y of the user’s life drops with each day. The tobacco companies will gladly accept this new victim into their deceitful world and clamp down on their life until it’s end. The terrible effects tobacco has on the human body, the highly addictive nature of cigarettes along with the harm from other chemicals, and the danger that cigarettes pose show reason that tobacco should be banned in the United States.III. Ultimately, smoking and tobacco products have a devastating effect on the well-being of a human body no matter if an individual inhales one breath, or thousands of breaths from thousands of cigarettes. The short term effects are bad enough, but the long term effects rival those. The tobacco companies themselves do not even want to acknowledge these effects as they have shown in the past, and they are the creators of these problems. â€Å"Smoking cigarettes is linked to lung cancer and other types of cancer, heart attacks, cardiovascular disease, a decreased power o f prescription rugs, and birth defects in infants†(Cousins). Smoking increases the user’s chances of having a heart attack and getting lung cancer. It is the top cause of lung cancer in the United States (Cousins). The lungs are not the only organ smoking affects, either. Links to cancer of the mouth, cancer of the larynx or cancer of the bladder have been found connected to smoking (Cousins. ) There is no winning with tobacco. Putting the extremely high numbers of chemicals into one’s body numerous times per day for many years cannot end happily. One-third of the deaths from cardiovascular disease, †¦, are caused by smoking,†writes Cousins about the other health problems of smoking (Cousins). If a smoker is fortunate and does not get cancer from smoking, they still have a much higher chance of having a heart attack in their future. While these ravaging events may not be fatal all of the time, they continually weigh down on the quality of a life a pe rson is able to live. Smoking may affect the body’s ability to become healthy again from other health conditions or illnesses.In â€Å"Smoke alarm,†the author demonstrates this by pointing out, â€Å"Some smokers require twice the quantity of certain drugs before they benefit from those drugs†(Cousins). Talking about presription drugs, it shows that the body takes more medicine to reach the healthy benefits of the drug. This means more quantities of the drug need to be used to obtain the same effects as in a non-smoker. Prescription drugs have side-effects, as all drugs do, so taking more of them increase the risk of having the side effects.Tobacco enters all aspects of a smoker’s life and it should be banned because of the horrible health problems it causes the smoker. Furthermore, smoking has additional effects on women that prove its danger even more, and show reason for the necessity of a ban. The author shows this increased risk for women when he s tates, â€Å"†¦ women smokers who use birth-control pills increase their chances of heart attack exponentially,†(Cousins). A ban on birth-control pills is highly unlikely, showing the solution for the problem being a ban on tobacco and smoking in order to protect women from these harmful effects from smoking.Additionally, smoking during pregnancy has some adverse effects on the child as well as the effects it causes the smoker. The author illustrates the effects on the child when he says, â€Å"Pregnant smokers substantially increase the chances that they will miscarry, induce fetal birth defects, bear their infants prematurely and have babies of low birth weight. They increase the likelihood their newborns will die in the first month,†(Cousins). This means that a woman should not smoke on birth-control, which could lead to more preganancies.If she smokes during her pregnancy, she raises her chances of having a miscarriage, have a child with birth defects, have her child too early and that are too small, or having her child die in the first month. Something needs to be done to stop smoking from harming more than just the individual who makes the decision to smoke, and the solution is making such a horrible product outlawed. The harmful chemicals in cigarettes and tobacco products are another reason why tobacco should be illegal. The staggering number of chemicals, some with no purpose other than harm, in cigarettes is disgusting.A smoker inhales thousands of these chemicals with every puff, and many stay in the body as the author reveals, â€Å"about 1,200 chemicals–chemicals also contained in chimney smoke and auto exhausts–would remain,†(Cousins). The same chemicals found in cigarettes could be attained by inhaling the exhaust from a car, or from a chimney. A person might find that behavior odd, but it is the same as smoking a cigarette, and they continue that practice for years. One of these powerful chemicals is c arbon monoxide.This chemical is extremely bad for the human body as the author writes, â€Å"One dangerous compound found in smoke from all cigarettes, whatever the level of tar or nicotine, is carbon monoxide. This gas tends to â€Å"bump†oxygen from red blood cells and depletes the body of this vital element,†(Cousins). The vital element is oxygen, and humans need it to survive. There is no advantage to putting chemicals into a body that do the reverse the gains of one of the necessities of life. Perhaps the worst chemical in cigarettes and tobacco products, however, is nicotine.Nicotine is the chemical in tobacco products that makes the user addicted to it both mentally and physically as Cousins notes, â€Å"Nicotine has been classified as an addictive or compulsive substance by growing numbers of scientists and institutions, including the National Institute on Drug Abuse,†(Cousins). With this chemical in cigarettes, the smoker finds it more and more diffi cult to quit smoking and that is a reason that such high numbers of Americans are reliant on cigarettes as Senator Kennedy writes, â€Å"Over forty million Americans are currently addicted to cigarettes,†(Kennedy).With numbers this high, a ban must be put on tobacco. People are trying cigarettes when they are young, and nicotine works its black magic to keep them as lifelong customers as asserted in â€Å"TOBACCO WARS†, â€Å"‘Because of the addictive nature of nicotine, very few of those kids who became smokers in middle school and high school quit’ by college, said Henry Wechsler of Harvard University, the author of the study,†(â€Å"TOBACCO WARS†). Tobacco will not go away anytime soon as long as the tobacco companies want money, so serious and immediate action is needed.The dangers that tobacco and smoking causes people does not stop with health effects. Cigarettes pose a great danger of fires and damage. Cigarettes burn very easily, an d a simple misplacement of a burning cigarette butt can lead to unrelenting fires and astronomical numbers in property damage as Cousins describes when he adds, â€Å"Cigarettes cause 74,000 fires a year, in which 2,000 people die and 6,000 are burned. Aside from the midical costs incurred, the fires add $210 million to property damages alone†(Cousins).This shows once again the tremendous financial cost of tobacco as well as humanly cost in lives and medical care. There is nothing safe about tobacco, and a ban must be put into place to give some safety back to citizens. Tobacco is the most deadly product legal in America today. Anyone can smoke cigarettes, and anyone over 18 can purchase them. The law does little to stop the spread of tobacco all around the nation, so the ultimate step must be taken. Tobacco must be illegalized because it causes too much harm to the user, the people around the user, unborn babies and to people from fires.Without looking ahead to the future, the overwhelming high number of deaths is reason enough for taking action as mentioned in an article stating, â€Å"The deaths of more than 400,000 Americans each year, 160,000 of them from lung cancer, make a strong case for the prohibition of tobacco, and particularly of cigarettes,†(â€Å"An evil weed; Tobacco†). The education of this epidemic is not enough, it must be banned to save the lives of Americans and their children. IV. The largest opposition of a ban on tobacco and smoking is how it is such a great factor in the economy. Tobacco is a huge part of the agricultural industry in America.It is heavily relied upon by many people as Cousins conveys as he states, â€Å"Tobacco is the country's fifth-largest cash crop†¦. About 500,000 farm families are dependent on the continued success of this industry,†(Cousins). With half a million people dependent on the crop as well as the economy of a nation, it is impossible to deny the enormous impact the rem oval of this would have on the nation. Nonetheless, tobacco does far more harm than it does good. For the half a million families dependent on it, there are another half a million each year who lose a loved one due to tobacco and smoking.There are other jobs out there that are not related to the deaths of so many, and those can be found easily. The help the tobacco companies do for the economy and the government is overshadowed by the spending in health care that the government must do to combat the detrimental effects that tobacco causes. So much money was needed to help the nation with their smoking-related health costs, that the government went back to the tobacco companies for help. An agreement in 1998 shows this as the article writes, â€Å"†¦ the attorneys general of 46 states signed a historic agreement with tobacco companies. †¦ he nation’s four largest tobacco companies will: pay $206 billion of 25 years to states to help pay for smoking-related health co sts;†(â€Å"TOBACCO WARS†). Cousins shows the yearly cost of tobacco on health care in 1984 when he emphasizes, â€Å"The cigarette industry costs the nation about $27 billion for medical care (estimated by the American Cancer Society);†¦ †(Cousins). This shows that the health related cost and cost in human lives far outweighs the good that tobacco does for the economy of the nation. An additional argument against the fight for the illegalization of tobacco is that it is the choice of the user.In the free country of the United States, the people should have the freedom of choice to do as they please with smoking. This free choice affects the safety of others who do not want to exercise this choice. Sidestream smoke is just as, if not more dangerous as inhaling directly from a cigarette. and people who have care for their health choose not to be exposed to this. The right to a safe environment is more important than a person’s right to smoke and Cous ins compares this right to others as he notes, â€Å"†¦ our freedom to do as we please has always been limited by our freedom to live in a safe society.Because spitting can spread tuberculosis, we are encouraged not to spit in public places. We are not free to start gunfights†(Cousins). Tobacco should be made illegal because the freedom of choice to smoke puts others at risk, and the unalienable right of the pursuit of happiness is compromised when this safe environment for men, women, and children who choose not to smoke is ruined. Moreover, an argument against the fight on tobacco is that a ban on tobacco will increase the number of fatal alcohol-related car accidents.The reasoning is justified by research that shows that counties that introduce a ban on smoking in public places, have an increase in fatal alcohol-related car accidents. An article shows this claim in numbers when it states, â€Å"The researchers analysed data from 120 American counties, 20 of which ha d banned smoking. They found a smoking ban increased fatal alcohol-related car accidents by 13% in a typical county†¦ †(â€Å"Unlucky strikes; Smoking and drinking†). This increase in accidents shows the strength of the nicotine in cigarettes because the smoker’s go anywhere where they are permitted to have a cigarette.While this number of deaths can not be ignored, it is still miniscule compared to the nearly half a million deaths that smoking causes nationwide in a year. The way to stop this accident increase is a complete ban on cigarettes, which will save them the trouble of driving far away to smoke, because it will not be permissible to do this action anywhere, as well as the trouble of future health problems that are nearly inevitable with smoking. The tobacco companies may claim countless items in the attempt to keep their product prospering in the nation, but they have not faced the facts.The facts show that cigarettes create many other health prob lems, and no amount of economic help, free choice, or car accidents will stop these health problems from being an undeniable part of life for smokers and non-smokers. Tobacco and cigarettes must be made illegal to stop this terrible epidemic. V. Conclusively, the utter destruction tobacco and cigarettes cause on the bodies of millions of humans across America the world show beyond any doubt that this product must be outlawed. Cigarettes cause severe health problems like lung cancer, other cancers, heart disease and a much higher risk of heart attacks.These effects account for almost half a million deaths in the United States each year. Cigarettes can increase the amount of medicine it will take to achieve the same effects in a non-smoker and in women it can significantly increase the risk of heart attacks when coupled with birth control pills. Smoking while pregnant can lead to birth defects, miscarriages, a premature birth or a low birth weight. Cigarettes contain deadly chemicals such as carbon monoxide which is found in car exhausts and nicotine which keeps a person addicted and coming back to smoke more and more cigarettes.This means they are inhaling more and more of the other thousands of chemicals found in cigarettes. Outside the body, cigarettes are a fire hazard. Thousands of fires are started every year due to cigarettes and this leads to even more deaths and health care costs. Still people argue that cigarettes should remain legal. They claim that because tobacco’s status as the fifth largest cash crop in the United States and the fact that it supports thousands of families that it should remain legal. A product, however, that kills as many or more people as it helps is not beneficial for anyone.Another argument they throw out is that it is the smoker’s choice whether or not they want to smoke. They are correct because people can choose to harm their own bodies if they want. Smoking interferes with more than just the user’s body though. People die from secondhand smoke as well as from the fires cigarettes cause, so the harm is not limited to only the user and compromises the safe environment of others. Finally, people who are against tobacco illegalization say that banning tobacco will increase fatal alcohol-related car accidents.While the research shows that is true in the low number of places they sampled, it also reveals the power of nicotine and the need people have for smoking when they are introduced to this substance. The only way to stop this problem, and all of the monstrous health effects that smoking causes is to make it against the law. It is a simple fix for such a colossal problem that affects so many millions of people, and must be done immediately to save the men, women, and children held by the grasp of the devilish tobacco companies.
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