Saturday, August 31, 2019
Journalism in China: Then and Now Essay
In 1978, the People’s Republic of China had less than one television receiver per 100 people, and fewer than ten million Chinese had access to a television set. Today, almost all dwellings in China have a television, or a number of it. The Chinese Central Television controls television broadcasting in China, being the most powerful network in mainland. On the other hand, the number of newspapers in mainland China has increased from 42 – virtually all Communist Party papers- in 1968 to more than 2,200 today. There are in fact more than 7,000 magazines and journals in the country nowadays. The emergence of the country’s paramount leader, Deng Xiaoping, in 1976 brought about the economic and social reforms in mainland China, being reflected in media content. The media in are now becoming more autonomous and more diverse. A diversity is attributable to the fact that most state media outlets not longer receive subsidies from the government and are expected to largely pay for themselves through commercial advertising. They no longer serve solely as ‘government spokesperson’ but also produce programs that people get interested to so that money can be generated for them to continue to exist. Its media is now more dynamic, aggressive and prolific reporting on a wider variety of topics than ever before. Since the late 1970s, media in China have frequently criticized party cadres and have published debates on fundamentals issues as the rule of law, freedom of the press, and universal human rights. They have also reported on a number of previously undiscussed social and lifestyle subjects. Even though political reporting is still tightly controlled, Chinese journalists have become professional writers who cover aspects of society, economics and international affairs that would have been prohibited two decades ago. In 2003, the government initiated plans to formally allow private investment or to commercialize media. As a result, journalists were encouraged to report more aggressively on stories about crime, low-level corruption, celebrity gossip, and more. However, local officials still often tolerate this reporting, as long as it brings in revenue for the provincial or municipal government, and it does not touch too closely on their own leadership. Also, talk radio in mainland China allows a much freer exchange of public views or opinions than other media formats. In effect, talk radio has shifted the paradigm from authorities addressing the people to people addressing the authorities. The country’s rapid economic developments, as well as educational advances leading to greater literacy, have been important reasons for the dramatic expansion of the media and the diversification of coverage. As journalists report more aggressively on crime and corruption, they face new dangers. Censorship, detention, legal action, and arrest – the threats historically faced by journalists in China – have been long and well documented by the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and other press freedom groups. Forty-two journalists are now in prison in China, most for revealing corruption among high-level government officials, advocating political reforms, or reporting on banned topics. In recent years, a number of high-profile cases have brought the issue of violence against journalists to public attention and have inspired Chinese journalists to speak up in defense of their basic right to freely report. Journalism is widely seen as a more promising career field that in the past. The rising popularity and profitability of metropolitan media offer the prospect that higher quality, better-paid jobs in journalism will expand in the years ahead.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Knucklehead competitors
You may encounter business situations that require using an interpreter (for spoken communication) or a translator (for written communication). Interpreters and translators can be expensive, but skilled professionals provide Invaluable assistance for communicating in other cultural contexts. 60 Keeping up with current language usage in a given country or culture is also critical in order to avoid embarrassing blunders.For example, the marketing agency Landlord Associates usually engages three native-language speakers to review translated materials to make sure the ensue of the message is compatible with current usage and slang in a given country. 61 Some companies use back-translation to ensure accuracy. Once a translator encodes a message Into another language, a dif rent translator retranslate the same message into the original language.The is back-translation is then compared with the original message to discover any errors or discrepancies. The e time and cost required for profes sional translation has encouraged the development of machine translation , any form of computerized intelligence used to translate one language to another. Dedicated soft ware tools and online services such as Worldly ( www. Worldly. Com ) off ere various forms of automated translation. Major search engines let you request translated versions of the websites you FL ND.Although none of these tools can translate as well as human translators, they can be quite useful with individual words and short phrases, and they can oft en give you the overall gist of a message. Everyone can contribute to successful intercultural communication. Whether a younger person Is unaccustomed to the formalities of a large corporation or a league from another country Is working on a team with you, look for opportunities to help people if t in and adapt their communication style.For example, if a nonnative English speaker is making mistakes that could hurt his or her credibility, you can off ere advice on th e appropriate words and phrases to use. Most language learners truly appreciate this sort of assistance, as long as it is off red in a respectful manner. Moreover, chances are that while you're helping, you'll learn something about the other person's culture and language, too. You can also take steps to simplify the immunization process.For instance, oral communication in a second language is usually more differ cult than written forms of communication, so instead of asking a foreign colleague to provide information in a conference call, you could ask for a written response instead of or in addition to the live conversation. For a brief summary of ideas to Improve intercultural communication in the workplace, see â€Å"Checklist: Improving Intercultural Communication Skills. †For additional Information on communicating Intercultural Communication: Speaking with Multiple-Language Audiences; Media Skills: Podiatrist [LO-5] , Chapter 7 Your company was one of the FL rest to use podiatrist as a business communication tool. Executives frequently and post them on the company's intranet site; employees from the 14 off cues in Europe, Asia, and North America then download the FL less to their music players or other devices and listen to the messages while riding the train to work, eating lunch at their desks, and so on. Your boss asks you to draft the opening statement for a potash that will announce a revenue drop caused by intensive competitive pressure.She reviews your script and hands it back with a gentle explanation that it needs to be revised for international listeners. Improve the following statement in as many ways as you can: Howdy, comrades. Shouldn't surprise anyone that we took a beating this year, given the insane pricing moves our have been making. I mean, how those clowns can keep turning a proof t is beyond me, what with steel costs still going through the roof and labor costs heating up-?even in countries where everybody goes to FL ND cheap labor-?and hazardous waste disposal ergs adding to operating costs, too.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Thomas Edison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Thomas Edison - Essay Example Edison started schooling, however, he was not a good student at all. In fact, his teachers complained about his slow learning. Edison’s mother was so upset that she decided to teach Edison at home and hence that was the end of Edison’s school life. However, Edison was a very inquisitive child who wanted to know almost everything. His young mind was always full of awe, fascination, and questions. His mother taught him to quench his own thirst for knowledge with the help of books and Edison followed her advice and started reading voraciously to seek answers to his questions. It was at this early age that he set up his lab and started experimenting by referring to books that he read (Edison Papers). In fact, this period of Edison’s life has a great deal to offer. Today, we rely so much on school and educational institutions to become educated however Edison through his life shows us that what schools give us is nothing but a â€Å"degree†or a â€Å"report c ard†but schools are not the measure of what our minds are capable of. In spite of being exempted from formal education, Edison was determined to learn and understand. Simply attending school or giving exams cannot make us intelligent, they are nothing but mere supports.If an individual is determined to learn and seek knowledge and succeed in life, he need not depend on degrees and exams to make him eligible to do so. Determination and passion are enough for success.Edison’s life had not been a smooth run at all, especially during his growing years.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Web accessibility and the Internet - Cultural Issues Essay - 1
Web accessibility and the Internet - Cultural Issues - Essay Example The general perception of the internet based information dissemination is often mixed. Some of them are of the view that these initiatives could bring significant benefits to the viewers while the other group are of the opinion that the internet medium could be very "annoying or intrusive" (Pacheco, 2008). Most of the commercial operators opinion that t he internet based operations would be the future gold mine. Also, the viewers feel that the medium of the internet gives them an unique opportunity to get any information in the most quicker and cost effective manner. The studies that explores the importance of views and reactions on the acceptability of internet and web content would certainly help to initiate steps to enhance the teachability of wen content. This exercise is inevitable considering the potential applications the internet have in all the vital domains of human interaction. The studies have been undertaken extensively to assess the qualitative features of the web content that primarily results in their acceptability. On the research undertaken to analyze the aforementioned factors considering the web advertisement as the core aspect have given significant information. The factors like the volume of the content, the type of graphical illustration, the gender and age of viewers, colour and type of fond and artwork are considered in the investigation. The opinion from one such researcher was on the impact that the animation pictures have on the viewers (Zhang, 2006). The researcher was of the opinion that the animation always created displeasure among the viewers as even if the viewer is not inclined to see them they were forced to observe the content. But on the aminated banners positioned on the internet sites it was observed that these had resulted in the quicker reaction times and faster recall than the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Research Methodology for Fair trade products as a means of increasing Essay
Research Methodology for Fair trade products as a means of increasing consumer confidence in the Contract Catering sector - Essay Example A research design may be either qualitative or quantitative. The methodology is an explanatory of the procedure connect in the field of the consumer behaviour with respect to fair trade products in the contract catering sector of the hospitality industry. This methodology is the way to analytically solve the troubles that are in involved in the research. The methodology is evaluated by the analyst and the outsiders are not involved in the assortment of the methodology. For the outstanding research the methodology should be systematic, logical, empirical and replicable. The role of fair trade products in securing customer confidence in the contract catering sector is very high. Quantitative and qualitative methods were adopted in conducting the research process. The contextual background was identified and the priority areas were discussed. Research was conducted in schools, universities and offices to understand the customer’s confidence in the use of fair trade products. â€Å"The consumers are critics are proposing several schemes which, includes "fair trade" coffee, using of fresh quality standards in restricting imports.†(Kelly 2010). The research methods included both quantitative and qualitative methods. â€Å"Inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning are both subsumed under scientific inquiry, yet they characterize a distinction between purely qualitative and purely quantitative methods.†(Newman & Benz 1998, p.17). Research shows that â€Å"Everyone in the â€Å"value chain†benefits from fair trade.†(Who benefits from fair trade? 2010) from the producers to the consumers. â€Å"Products certified with the fair trade logo guarantee strict standards worldwide on certain environmental, labor and remuneration aspects.†(Chen et al., 2009, p. 67). Research Methodology is â€Å"the section of a research proposal in which the methods to be used are described. The
Monday, August 26, 2019
Should the government provide health care Essay
Should the government provide health care - Essay Example However, there is no sufficient evidence supporting the failures of government healthcare. Moreover, many developed countries such as Canada and Britain have successfully initiated a national healthcare plan. Therefore, governments should provide healthcare to the citizens. There are several arguments in support of government healthcare. Firstly, the initiation of government healthcare will ensure that everyone has access to healthcare. Many people do not have access to healthcare because many employers are not providing healthcare insurance due to increased premiums. Therefore, employees are carrying the burden of healthcare and many opt not to apply for health insurance. Accessing healthcare in hospitals is expensive for many citizens and this leads to deterioration of their health. The government’s provision of healthcare will ensure every citizen is able to access medical attention regardless of their financial status. Privatized healthcare is costly and not everyone can afford to pay for check-ups, health insurance premiums, and prescriptions. The healthcare provided by the government will be free for all citizens (Kaplan and Rodgers, 2009). Government healthcare would also improve the quality of healthcare as the health professionals’ time will not be wasted in processing insurance claims. Competition of insurance companies would be eradicated as the government would be in charge of healthcare administration. A lot of time is wasted in handling many insurance claims. A lot of insurance paperwork needs to be filled and claims need to be submitted. Therefore, the initiation of a government healthcare plan would ensure that healthcare professionals would only focus on treating their patients (Patel and Rushefsky, 2006). In addition, provision of healthcare by the government can help in regulating insurance companies. In privatized healthcare, insurance companies make a lot of money by raising premiums unfairly. Moreover, insurance
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Economical changes during 2008-09 financial crisis Essay
Economical changes during 2008-09 financial crisis - Essay Example to analyze the evolvement of the current financial crisis, its effects on the economy of United States as well as its financial market, some of the problems the United States may face in the future and also to discuss some of the short term and long term solutions. According to Taylor (2008) financial crisis is the result of monetary or any other form of excesses, which leads to a boom and results in a bust. It can also occur when financial institutions or assets lose its value (Kindleberger and Aliber (2005). It is also characterised by the reduction in flow of credit to the businesses and households (Jickling, 2008). During the period from 2000 to 2007 the monetary policy by the Federal Reserve was highly flexible and easy to follow. Loans and mortgages were easily available even when there was no evident means to repay it. The Federal Reserve lowered the interest rate compared to those prevalent at the time before crisis. They even explained that the lowering of the interest period would be only for a short period of time and that after that time the interest rate would be restored to normal by slowly increasing it at a fixed rate. Thus it is quite evident that the lowering of the interest rate, which resulted in monetary excess, was actual ly a wrong decision by the Federal Reserve. The reason they gave for such an action was to avoid the occurrence of a deflation that occurred in Japan in 1990’s (Taylor, 2008). Sub prime mortgages were designed actually to make each and every citizen of US, a homeowner. These mortgages were given to those people who were having a very high-risk profile and were on variable interest rates. Most of the banks did this based on the assumption that housing price would continue to rise. This nature of these mortgages resulted in foreclosure of loans when the house prices began to fall. The fall of price of houses resulted in loss of asset value of most of the banks. The housing boom and bust that followed not only affected the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Racial Communitarianism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Racial Communitarianism - Essay Example This is a post-post-modernist development in the sense that it engulfs not only traditions of libertarianism, modernity of civil society and peculiar amalgamation of both these to bring forth something anew as good governance but also its quest for a balanced form of State and social ethos. Racial Communitarianism thus reflects a search and global movement for equal respect and opportunities to people of all races in the pursuance of their duties as human beings and citizens of a global civil society. Rights will then be natural corollary of duties so performed professionally. Communitarianism is also an attempt to work towards fighting various apparently fascist tendencies of libertarianism such as overarching power channels and structures like the Security Council of the United Nations and the all powerful stature of the President of United States despite inherent checks and balances in the political system. Communitarianism is, indeed, an emerging movement to go beyond the shackles of a sovereign nation-state. It is moving ahead into the realms of a global civil society tackling a number of its issues and problems on its own without always looking up to the State for all its solution. Standing on one's own feet, preserving one's self-respect, economic and multicultural empowerment alongwith individual based and logically viable soc
Friday, August 23, 2019
Mental health issues and the impact of healthcare Research Paper
Mental health issues and the impact of healthcare - Research Paper Example The terrible experiences in their combat missions upset the psychological stability of individuals (Miliken et al 2007). As these people retire from their combat missions they struggle to relieve themselves from the horrific experiences of war. The memories of the horrors and the cruel experiences of war change the mind of the post-war personalities, making them psychologically weak and vulnerable to mental problems. The issue has been selected because mental health problems and increasing healthcare cost is becoming a big curse to the veteran population in Spokane, Washington/Spokane County and surrounding areas (How Trends in the Health Care System, 2008) (Sebastian and Bushy, 1999). . It has become quite unaffordable for these veterans to access the necessary healthcare assistance as healthcare costs are booming up without any control. State budget deficits and federal cuts result in reduction in Medicare and Medicaid programs. Essential medical services and medications are unaffo rdable for them. Veterans in the areas are devoid of proper health care coverage (Barlett et al. 2004). The number of people in the Spokane County and surrounding areas who are without insurance is increasing every year. The unfortunate veterans in these areas are unable to afford the health insurance programs offered for people. People have become increasingly vulnerable to chronic diseases (Sacia and Dobson, 2003). This ill-privileged group also has high mortality rate and negative health outcomes (Sacia and Dobson, 2003). The increasing mental healthcare problems suffered by the returning veterans and the lack of access to the healthcare facilities have pushed Spokane County and surrounding areas to grave healthcare catastrophe (Barlett et al. 2004). Healthcare service must be made more affordable to these negatively privileged people in the Spokane County and surrounding areas. As far as Spokane County and surrounding areas are concerned the need of the hour is nothing but a bet ter healthcare coverage for the returning veterans in the areas. The entire healthcare expense of these individuals must be cover by the healthcare system. Healthcare services offered by the healthcare system should be a boon to all people, especially the returning veterans of the society who are under various mental problems. A solution to the issue of Spokane veterans would be easily affordable healthcare facilities. The ‘single payer’ health care system can support the healthcare needs of Spokane people. Service of universal healthcare is a boon to all people of Spokane, especially the negatively privileged veterans in the society. It can effectively solve the healthcare issues of veterans. People with mental sickness should be given free (or affordable) health care services. Mental healthcare services must be provided at no or meager charge. The entire healthcare expense of mentally ill people must be covered by the healthcare system. They should not be allowed to b other about co-payments or deductibles. Healthcare services offered by the healthcare system should be a boon to all people, especially the mentally sick individuals. This typical example of the returning veterans in Spokane County explains the importance of social capital in extending the healthcare facilities to the weak sections of the community. Unless there is sufficient social capital
The Entry into Practice for the Family Nurse Practitioner Essay
The Entry into Practice for the Family Nurse Practitioner - Essay Example This facility is in a rural medically-underserved area where the clinic is part of the hospital system – but is not a hospital in the strictest sense. The clinic, however, shares the tax ID number with the hospital. It is also a provider-based health clinic (more on family practice and services). It is well-funded and is qualified under health provider shortage and medically-underserved categorization. In this sense, it is qualified to use either category, depending on need and on advantages. It is a small community of fewer than 20,000 inhabitants but it would likely serve more than one county or community. This type of town is one where everyone would most likely know each other. All the providers would have an LVN and the clinic has a clinic manager who would be acting as a liaison between the clinic and the hospital CEO; this manager would also be an intake coordinator; he would also coordinate staff for rescheduling, for billing, and for referrals. Pros and cons of workin g in identified arrangement One of the advantages of working in the identified arrangement are that the provider would be able to get to know his patients and the circumstances surrounding his patients’ lives. Such an arrangement helps the provider administer the best type of care for his patients. Assessing the patient within his home environment is one of the ways for a provider to reach maximum efficacy (Hunt, 2008). The provider would not have much difficulty in evaluating his patients in their home setting because the community is small. Moreover, the provider would already know where the available resources are and know who would likely have access to such resources (Buppert, 2007). For the more specialized needs of the community, the clinic schedules specialists to visit at different times each month in order to reduce the need for patients having to travel to distant places to seek medical care. In the end, this practice helps ensure continuity of care for the patient s. Continuity of care is an important aspect of healthcare because it helps ensure that the patient would be fully monitored throughout his illness and would be able to eventually gain full recovery (Haggerty,, 2008). Disadvantages are however also apparent in this set-up. For one, not many people would prefer living in medically-underserved areas because of the difficulty in accessing adequate and quality medical care (Shi and Singh, 2008). The more technical and higher level of services would be limited in this area. I noted however that the clinic where I precept conducts many high-level services because the health professionals in the clinic are very skilled. Throughout their years of practice in the rural setting, they have picked up and mastered various skills. They have encountered various patients and have come up with different ways to treat them or to stabilize them long enough to reach the next referral hospital. Even with the disadvantages which practitioners have encountered in the rural practice, the clinic has managed to work around its challenges and provide the best quality of services it can provide. It is important to note also that there are not as many positions for practitioners in the rural setting; the pay scale is lower than the average pay. The cost of services is however also lower than the cost of services appear in the urban setting.Â
Thursday, August 22, 2019
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Essay Essay Example for Free
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Essay Essay In the autobiography I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, the main character, Maya, and her older brother, Bailey, have a very close relationship at the beginning of this novel. As children, they were each other’s best friends and they were inseparable. They did everything together and they even thought they had their own language that no one else knew. However, when they first moved in with Mother Vivian, their relationship starts to fall apart. â€Å"When spring came to St. Louis, I took out my first library card, and since Bailey and I seemed to be growing apart, I spent most of my days at the library†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Angelou 76). As the two of them become older, their relationship grows more distant because of their different genders and the different activities each of them enjoyed doing. In the autobiography I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, the main character, Maya, and her father have a very estranged relationship. Whenever Maya sees her father, she thinks of him as more of a stranger. Towards the end of the book, Maya’s father invites Maya to come visit him for the summer. When she gets there, she is shocked to see that her father lives in a trailer with his girlfriend who is roughly Maya’s age. Maya’s father invites Maya to come to Mexico with him to go get groceries. Maya agrees to go, and her father ends up leaving her in a shabby bar by herself to run off with his other girl. This just proves he is an unfit parent. â€Å"How could he leave in that raunchy bar and go off with his woman? Did he care what happened to me? Not a damn, I decided, and opened the flood gates for hysteria†(Angelou 236). Maya realizes that her father doesn’t give two shoes about her and has no interest in trying to be a father to her. In the autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, the main character, Maya, is moved from place to place and always has the feeling of displacement, or not belonging. I can relate to Maya’s feelings of displacement. Throughout my life, I too have moved to many different places and schools. I was used to being the new kid and having no friends. I used to be afraid to even make friends because I knew that I wouldn’t be in that school for too much longer after I did. After going to five different schools and living in seven different houses, I’ve felt the feeling of displacement many times and like Maya, had my issues with trying to connect to people. While reading this novel, I knew how Maya felt all those time she didn’t feel like she belonged and all the times she moved. Those parts are what go to me the most because I know how it feels to leave behind the people you love.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Education For Sustainable Development In Sri Lanka Education Essay
Education For Sustainable Development In Sri Lanka Education Essay Sustainable development is a dynamic concept and it is difficult concept to define. It is not about society reaching an end state, nor is it about establishing static structures or about identifying fixed qualities of social, economic or political life. The sustainable development model is a challenge to the conventional form of development. The term sustainability originally belongs to ecology, and it referred to the potential of an ecosystem to subsist over time (Reboratti 1999). The term sustainable development came into the public arena in 1980 when the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Recourses presented the World Conservation strategy (IUCN 1980). In generally, Sustainable development is defined as a in mining is often characterized in terms of action today with a view to a future when mining operation have concluded. As well as, it is improving the quality of human life while living within the carrying capacity of supporting ecosystems. Moreover, it is not just an issue for developing countries. A commitment to the promotion of sustainable development is deepening at the international, regional and national levels. It has become a norm of global environmental politics; it is a legal requirement of Member States of the EU; and, within a UK context, is forming an important part of environment and development strategies of devolved governments. In other word, the concept of sustainable development requires a change of mindset to bring about full integration of the needs for economic, social and educational development with that to conserve the global environment. In fact, education is directly affects sustainability plans under the Implementation, decision making and quality of life. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have been designated by the UN to secure the implementation of the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. Concerning about the education for Sustainable Development, in 2002 the United Nations (UN) General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming that the period 2005-2014 was to constitute the decade of education for sustainable development. [1] The intention of this resolution was to enhance the efforts to promote sustainable development throughout the world through education and learning. Sri Lanka has initiated education progrmme through various trainings and workshops in line with the governments goal for social progress. The higher/tertiary education, Non-formal education and adult education programmes, primary, secondary education, special education for persons with intellectual or psycho-social disabilities and technical and vocational education and training (TVET) programmes etc. was developed for sustainable development. What is Sustainable Development? In generally, can define sustainable development is a new term that grew out of the conservation/environmental movement of the 1970s. While the conservation/environmental movement asked questions about preserving the Earths resources, sustainable development includes questions about how human decisions affect the Earths environment. According to these views it can show as follows: Figure 1 [2] Definitions of Sustainable Development There are many definitions of sustainable development. It is first appeared in 1987 in Brundtland Report. According to the World Commission on Environment and Development- Brundtland report, is: Sustainable Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. [3] In other words, it describes as when people make decisions about how to use the Earths resources such as forests , water, minerals, gems, wildlife, etc., they must take into account not only how much of these resources they are using, what processes they used to get these resources., and who has access to these resources. Are enough resources going to be left for your grandchildren to use and will the environment be left as you know it today? Formal definitions of sustainable development that we use at Forum for the Future is: A dynamic process which enables all people to realize their potential and improve their quality of life in ways which simultaneously protect and enhance the Earths life support systems. [4] Sustainable development is maintaining a delicate balance between the human need to improve lifestyles and feeling of well-being on one hand, and preserving natural resources and ecosystems, on which we and future generations depend. [5] The goal of Strategy for the Education for Sustainable Development Primary education and Secondary education By primary and secondary education attempts to make education and competencies for life for sustainable development. In Sri Lanka the National Education Commission has identified a set of general competencies that should be acquired by all children. Following steps has been taken for this development of education. Flexible learning opportunities and life skills development Acquiring a common basis of human values One the other hand, sustainable development is being considered in current curricula and syllabi. The present status of incorporation of the concept of sustainable development in the curriculum/syllabi can be briefly stated as follows. In the Sri Lankan general education curriculum, Sustainable development is not yet taught as a separate subject. However, this concept is incorporated within the whole range of subjects, especially, in Environment activities (Grades 1-5), Environmental studies (Grade 6), Social Studies Science Technology (Grades 7-11), Biology, Agriculture and Geography (Grades 12-13) etc. The national system of education assists individuals and groups to achieve nine national goals has formulated from this commission from (Grades 1-13). That are relevant to the individual and society. The goals mostly embrace the social, economical and educational aspects of sustainable development and especially sustainable human development. [6] 4.2 Higher Education: Under Economic and Social Development Following aspect has attempted to develop under the Higher education for sustainable development. Develop indicators for Sri Lanka Comparison of Per Capita GDP amongst for Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, UK, USA and Switzerland Economic Development of Richer Countries Promote growth through Neo-classical growth theory and New growth theory Promote forces of economic growth Countries with good governance have grown faster Deficiencies in Human Capital Formation Enhance economic Geography in the country Improving the soft skills is will enhance the employability of graduates; it also depends on the supply and demand. If there are no jobs, irrespective of qualifications and skills it would lead to unemployed graduates. Improvement of communication, articulation, interpersonal interaction in relation to quality improvement of graduates. Attitude change, like in the case of GMOA Universities have to play a key role in creating wealth of the country and universities are responsible in creating the human capital. Private companies have the responsibility to train the recruits in accordance with the company needs. [7] 4.3 Innovative practices in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) In the end of the 20th century the need for a vocational, technical and educational knowledge and skills for the development of the worlds economy was clearly manifested in the improvement of diversity in industrial and Service fields. As a result, it was felt that we needed not only those workforce trained in technical and Vocational skills but also those high competent skilled workforce like technicians and technologists in specific areas in industries. From the beginning of the 21st century, the progress made in industrialization was due to the high capacity of the trained workforce. Therefore the economic development in the world seems to have depended entirely on the knowledge based skill development. In the last few decades, most of the regional countries paid much attention to the development of human resources. But it must be stated that greater attention was given to development of Vocational and Technical skills. As a result in many of the countries, the required trained skill labourers in the field of construction could not be found and thus the development came to a Stand -Skill. 4.3.1 Sustainability Development in TVET Sector Factors that affect the Development in Developing countries Unutilized human resource Untrained human resources Mismatch between economic development policies and the ways of developing human resources. Less attention on trained skill labourers Lack of TVET concrete policy for HRD Lack of industrial linkages with HRD in TVET sector Lack of qualified trainers for HRD in TVET Technical -Vocational skills are underestimated in society Lack of inter educational level linkages (between secondary and technical/ vocational training) [8] 4.3.2 Strategies Development of a TVET policy that fits the industries at least with their regional standards. Changing the management operation in TVET sector at every management levels Having direct involvement in industries in TVET sector and making an industrial linkage policy with TVET sector. Introducing financing systems for students trained. (Bursaries, Training Levies, Voucher scheme, Student loan scheme, Employer financing system) [9] 4.3.3 Solutions for maintaining sustainability Identify two pathways of TVET development. Studies/ training must focus on skill training directly. Studies/ training must focus on skill training with Entrepreneur development. Promote industrial linkage with TVET sector Open direct avenues to school leavers from secondary education system to Vocational/ Technical Training system. Identify National Vocational/ Technical Education system from lowest level craftsman training to top level technologist training [10] Role of International Organization and Institution: Education for Sustainable Development. Illustrate about role of International Organization through education for sustainable development UNESCO is the main contributor to develop the Sri Lanka education system. However, UNESCOs, as also, the Government of Sri Lankas major focus in education is to achieve basic education for all by 2015. In this, six dimensions were identified at Jomitian, Thailand in 1990 and the goals were established at the World Education Forum in Dakar, Senegal in 2000. This is the most important programme to achieve education for all by the year 2015 and UNESCO was entrusted with the overall responsibility of coordinating all international players and sustaining the global momentum. [ The goals of Education for All (EFA) There can be seen six goals about the Sri Lanka Education as follows: Expand early childhood care and education. Ensure free and compulsory primary education of good quality by 2015. Promote learning and life skills programmes for young people and adults. Expand adult literacy by 50% by 2015. Eliminate Gender disparities in access to education in primary and secondary education by 2005 and achieve gender equality by 2015. Enhance educational qualities. [11] llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll,, Nevertheless, from these goals to achieve Education for All goals by the year 2015, Sri Lanka had made arrangements to plan out the activities in three phases. Phase I 2002-2003 (3 years) Phase II 2005-2010 (6 years) Phase III 2011-2015 (5 years) Sri Lanka prepared the three year plan, taking into consideration the six dimensions identified at Jomitian in 1990 and six goals agreed upon at Dakar in 2000. [12] 13 The EFA unit of the Ministry of Education, in collaboration with the provincial EFA units is committed to launch and monitor the programmes in order to reach the expected targets. Two other six years and five years plans were drawn up to activate the tasks needed to reach EFA targets by the year 2015. This effort is also supported by other relevant Ministries, NGOs and International organizations. Moreover, within the framework of coordination and planning and in line with the sub regional support for National Mid-Decade Assessment (MDA) of Education for All, the Sri Lanka National Commission for UNESCO, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education of Sri Lanka is implementing EFA-MDA work under the supervision of the UNESCO office in New Delhi and has prepared the EFA Mid-Decade Assessment Report in 2008. Sri Lanka ranks 2nd among the South Asian Countries with literacy rate of 92.5% and should be well on the way to achieve the target of 100% literacy for all, by the year 2015. The key to achieving the EFA goals and improving the quality of Education is through Monitoring and Assessments of the progress in the respective fields and in taking timely action. UNESCO and UNICEF are continuing to provide technical and expert assistance for capacity building of Educational Administrators in the monitoring and evaluation of Education for All in Sri Lanka. 5.2 Creating Sustainability Mindsets: Toolkit launch in Sri Lanka One other hand, MAS Holdings Ltd., a Sri Lanka-based apparel manufacturing company and UNESCO Bangkoks private sector ESD partner, piloted the Creating Sustainability Mindsets toolkit from the 5th -6th of June 2009, in conjunction with the MAS Holdings Eco GO Beyond Schools Sustainable Development Leadership Camp. A total of 55 students and 51 teachers from 28 rural schools from various districts in Sri Lanka actively participated in the one and a half day workshop, held at the MAS Institute of Management and Technology in Thulhiriya. Through this programme, learning and action-oriented thinking; partnerships (engaging in traditional and non-traditional partners within the public and private sector); and corporate responsibilities are launched among the rural area school to uplift the education. This toolkit has attempted to create a mindset and learning environment for users to understand sustainable development in both their local and global contexts, and to take ownership and prompt action towards a sustainable future in educational system. Conclusion When we explain about the Education for sustainable development in Sri Lanka, we can say education is an essential tool for achieving sustainability. People around the world recognize that current economic development trends are not sustainable and that public awareness, education, and training are key to moving society toward sustainability. However, Sri Lanka has already attained or is on track to attain the MDGs related to poverty, education and health, subject however, to significant regional disparities. Relatively promising economic performance e.g. over 5 percent growth since 2002 and the decline in unemployment to 5 percent has helped. As a result of this, Sri Lanka education system has made significant advances after the control of the system was developed to the elected representatives of the people during the mid-twentieth century. The introduction of free education from the kindergarten to the university, the expansion of the school system to cope with the rising demand for education, curricular changes and infrastructure development with state funding enabled the system to make wide strides thereby ensuring universal access to education. As an emerging economy, the challenge for Sri Lanka is to achieve sustainable high economic growth with greater equity, whilst integrating in the process of globalization. Consequence of this Sri Lanka is making every possible effort to develop the effective educational system for the Sustainable development and to expand economy of country. As well as, Sri Lanka has already initiated and has initiating (from Primary , Secondary, Higher and Vocational education) to enhance education system for sustainable development future by establishing more vocational and technical trainings institutes, skill training with entrepreneur development, promoting industrial level development, human resource development project, new teaching methods and subjects: like as Environmental studies, eradicate unemployment problem through skill training programme and linking with other like as (UNESCO) International organization and Non-governmental organizations etc. One the other hand, through higher school education is making graduates innovative and creative graduates who can transform new ideas and knowledge into innovative products and services and who can improve the existing products and services etc. to uplift the sustainable development by reducing the weaknesses of educational system in Sri Lanka.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Effectiveness of Garlic Cloves on Reducing Blood Pressure
Effectiveness of Garlic Cloves on Reducing Blood Pressure SUMMARY OF THE STUDY The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of garlic cloves on reducing blood pressure level among patients with hypertension. A quasi experimental pretest post-test design was used to conduct this study at PHC Alangium and 50 patients with hypertension were selected through non probability convenience sampling technique. Among 50, 25 patients were assigned to experimental group and 25 were assigned to control group. A structured interview schedule was used to collect general information and Digital blood pressure monitor was used to check the pretest and post test blood pressure level. The patients of experimental group were given 10 gm of garlic cloves once a day for 21 days. Post test for both the group was done on 22th day. The baseline data was tabulated by formulating frequency table. The blood pressure level was assessed using descriptive statistics. The comparison of pre and post test and the effectiveness of garlic gloves was evaluated by inferential statistics test Major Findings Of The Study Majority of patients in experimental group 9(36%) were 56-60 years and in control group 9(36%) were 51-55 years. Majority of patients in experimental group 19(76%) and control group 15(60%) of patients were females. Majority of patients in experimental group 17(68%) and control group 11(44%) of patients were formal education. Majority of patients in experimental group 24(96%) and control group 21(84%) of patients were Hindu. Majority of patients in experimental group 17(68%) and control group 13(52%) of patients were sedentary workers. Majority of patients in experimental group 11(44%) and control group 9(36%) of patients were had1-3 years duration of illness. Majority of patients in experimental group 14(56%) and control group 15(60%) of patients were had hospitalization. Majority of patients in experimental group 22(88%) and control group 19(76%) of patients were had treatment. Majority of patients in experimental group 24(96%) and control group 24(96%) of patients were non-vegetarian Majority of patients in experimental group 24(96%) and control group 19 (76%) of patients were not doing regular exercise. Majority of patients in experimental group 24(96%) and control group 23(92%) of patients practiced recreational activities. Majority of patients in experimental group 23(92%) and control group 18(72%) of patients were watching TV. Majority of patients in experimental group 16(64%) and control group 13(52%) of patients were had no family history of hypertension. There was a significant difference found (P Conclusion This study was to evaluate the effectiveness of garlic cloves on reducing the blood pressure among patients with hypertension in selected rural area at Alangium. The result showed that the garlic cloves is effective in reducing blood pressure levels among patients with hypertension. Implications The findings of the study have the following implications in the various areas of nursing service nursing education, nursing administration and nursing research. Nursing service The nurses should develop sensitivity to the effect of garlic cloves in reducing blood pressure level. The nurse should understand the importance of garlic cloves as an adjunct to pharmacological therapy in nursing practice. The nurse should teach the benefits of garlic cloves in reducing blood pressure level among hypertensive patients. The nurse should provide adequate exposure to settings where adjunct treatment is used for management of blood pressure level. Nursing staff can take specialized training in adjunct treatment to prevent complications of Hypertension. Nursing education The medical surgical and advanced clinical oriented curriculum imparted to nursing students should emphasize more on garlic cloves on blood pressure. The nurse educator should involve the concept of alternative and complementary therapy in nursing profession. The nurse educator should provide exposure to alternative and complementary therapy to encourage the students to expand their career in that field. The nursing curriculum should emphasize on adjunct therapy along with pharmacological management of diseases. The nurse should encourage the students to educate their patients regarding adjunct treatment during their clinical exposure. Staff nurse must be encouraged to actively participate in in-service education and workshop regarding the importance of complementary therapy on hypertension. Nursing Administration The administrator should collaborate with governing bodies in formulating policies to employ qualified nurses in medical units and periodically supervise their application of garlic cloves. Nurse administrator should arrange for public awareness programme regarding cost effective means of preventing hypertension Administrator should initiate health education in community by utilizing the staff preparing through adequate training and encouragement in adjunct therapy. The administrator should organize in-service education programme in adjuvant therapy for the nursing personal Nurse should organize formal training programme in alternative system of medicine. Administrator should appoint separate complementary therapist to guide the nursing personnel regarding adjuvant therapy Nursing research The researcher should encourage for further research on use of garlic cloves on blood pressure Researcher should concentrate on non-pharmacologic interventions to reduce the blood pressure level Disseminate the findings through conferences seminar and publications in professional, national and international journals More researches can be done to establish effectiveness of garlic cloves throughout the world. As per the study a nursing care guide can be developed for future references. Recommendations Similar studies can be done with the large group Similar study can be done with the hyperlipidemia patient Comparative study can be done on the effectiveness of garlic and hypertensive patients without taking anti-hypertensive agents. Comparative studies can be done with pharmacological and non pharmacological management of hypertension Summary This chapter dealt with summary, conclusion, implications for nursing practice and recommendation.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Two Associations with the Unencumbered Self Essay -- Philosophy Philos
Two Associations with the Unencumbered Self The unencumbered self separates who I am from my attributes and desires. Rawls encounters the unencumbered self in proposing both the veil of ignorance and the difference principle; both separate the subject from the attributes and ends of the subject. Rawls denies both the utilitarian and libertarian views as practical solutions, and puts forward the veil of ignorance and difference principle as a third alternative. This paper will begin with briefly describing what Sandel considers the unencumbered self. I will outline utilitarianism and liberalism as theories Rawls rejects, as well as Rawls’ philosophy as a practical Kantianism. I will identify the unnecessary transition Rawls makes from the veil of ignorance, which has much merit, to the difference principle, which Sandel adequately dissolves. I will address Sandel’s critique and his fourth alternative, the moderately-encumbered self, and give my impression of a Rawlsian reaction to Sandel’s fourth alte rnative. In conclusion I hope to show that Rawls encounters the unencumbered self at the veil of ignorance as well as the difference principle, the former being both applicable and a contribution to political philosophy, and the latter being cogently refuted by Sandel. Sandel describes the unencumbered self as valuing the ability to choose one’s own ends, rather than valuing specific ends in themselves. The unencumbered self draws a line of distinction between me and my attributes and desires, and presupposes that no project or commitment could weigh so heavily for me that I would not know who I am without it. Who I am is permanently unchanging, but the ends I desire or the attributes which I possess may be constantl... ... a more moderate view, the moderately-encumbered self, it is one Rawls would not accept because of its deviation from Kantian sacrifice and duty. In presenting the veil of ignorance, Rawls gives us a means to arrive at categorically worthwhile and acceptable political theories by channeling our inherent selfishness into political philosophy. In presenting the difference principle, Rawls denies an individual’s right to prosper from his own assets because he claims our assets are all arbitrarily distributed, but he does not justify sharing with society one’s prosperity because that would also be equally arbitrary. Sandel presents an alternative that Rawls would reject because it is not in accord with Kantian duty and sacrifice. Works Cited Goodin, Robert and Philip Pettit. Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology. Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 1997.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Survival in solitude Essay -- Essays Papers
Survival in solitude After being stranded on an uninhabited island, Robinson Crusoe manages to discover his natural abilities that serve as indicators of his true character. At first glance the common adage, â€Å"Necessity is the mother of all inventions,†appears to account for the character of Robinson Crusoe; however, further analysis suggests that the intelligence, industriousness, and optimism are inherent to Crusoe’s personality. Sir Francis Bacon so aptly stated, â€Å"Prosperity doth best discover vice; but adversity doth best discover virtue.†From the moment that Crusoe was stranded on the island until the day he was rescued he exhibits these qualities. Crusoe’s innate intelligence serves him well throughout his solitary life on the island. After agonizing over his plight, he consoles himself, and collects himself in order to move on. His shrewdness and practicality help him to overcome the obstacles that the island presents. He has enough forethought to recognize that the ship might be swept away by the tides, and he works continuously in order to salvage everything he can from the ship. He loses no time to make a trip to the ship in order to unload the cargo, and when he is in need of a method to transport the cargo to the beach, he constructs a raft that will do the job. He protects the provisions from weather and potential wild beasts. Crusoe is intelligent and understands that by being alone he might go crazy, and to combat this he keeps himself busy for...
Essay --
For decades, America has been the fastest growing economy country in the world, and Detroit was one of the most leading populous city in the United States. Back in 1930, Detroit was the fastest growing city, but now is the fastest shrinking city with more than 100, 000 abandoned homes (Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady). Similarly, Bay Area economy was the envy of the nation with high employment rates and GDP growth like Detroit in the 1930s, and is currently suffering from losing jobs, residents, and status. Both Detroit and the Bay Area are single resource-based industries - where Detroit is manufacturing dominated, and Bay Area is high technology dominated. However, the Bay Area will not go bankrupt and become a ghost town in fifty years, because its high diversities in the economic opportunities are attracting people to stay and work here. High educated and talented people is the fundamental for the economic development in the cities. In Detroit, many workers in the car industries are either unskilled or low skilled workers with only high school diplomas simply because of those works do not need special talents or skills in order to have the work done. Due to the division of labor, large jobs are breaking down into many tiny components. â€Å"Under this regime each worker becomes an expert in one isolated area of production, thus increasing his efficiency†(Adam Smith). Detroit was not creating suitable jobs for high educated or professional people to work there; therefore, it caused the brain drain. Brain drain by definition means â€Å"the departure of educated or professional people from one country, economic sector, or field for another usually for better pay or living conditions (Merriam Webster Dictionary). This means that high skil... According to Nancy Andrews, Christopher Kirkpatrick, and Eric Millikin, â€Å"Detroit went on a binge starting around 2000 to close budget holes and to build infrastructure, more than doubling debt to $8 billion by 2012.†Detroit was borrowing money to build these infrastructures that are not capable of doing other things except to build cars; therefore, when other countries cars has found out other ways to make cheap cars and to sell their cars for a cheaper price, Detroit cannot lower their cars’ prices due to their loans for building the infrastructures. However, the Bay Area will not go bankrupt because it is not in debt. In contrast, the Bay Area is gaining a revenue, which the grand total revenue is $6670.6 millions in the year of 2013. In addition, the Bay Area is planning to gain a revenue of $276.92 billions in next twenty eight years (Plan Bay Area).
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Howard Zinn Chapter One
Columbus has always been portrayed as an enlightened, peaceful explorer who â€Å"discovered†a new world, and became friends with the native people. Howard Zinn’s view on Columbus’s encounter with the natives is an entirely different perspective. Zinn describes Columbus as a man who is willing to torture and kill others to be able to accomplish what he wants; in this case he wanted to obtain gold and other resources to take back with him to Spain.When Columbus and his men arrived to the islands, he noticed that the natives were generous, and accommodating because they willingly traded everything they owned and brought them such things like: food, water, and gifts. Since the beginning the natives offered all of their hospitality to Columbus and his men. Columbus believed that the natives were ignorant because they had no weapons for self defense; when he showed them a sword, they had no idea how to use it and ended up cutting themselves.Columbus was more than cer tain, that he could take control over the natives, and captivate them as slaves. In his writing he wrote, â€Å"They would make fine servants†¦. With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want. †(Zinn, 3) This attitude leaded to enslavement, feeling superior, and genocide by Columbus and his men towards the natives. Columbus had persuaded the king and queen of Spain to finance an expedition to the lands, and the wealth; he expected to be at the Indies and Asia.Columbus would receive ten percent of all the goods collected, governorship over new-found lands, and the fame that would go with a new title: Admiral of the Ocean Sea. Columbus believed the natives could lead him and his men to where the gold was, to be able to take it back to the King and Queen so he took many of them as prisoners on his ship. He also wanted to take them back to Spain as slaves and be able to make them do whatever they wanted them to do. Columbus took advantage of th e ignorance of the natives, and made them do hard labor for him and his men.Columbus believed that there were huge fields of gold, in the province of Cicao on Haiti. He became desperate to pay the dues back to the king and queen, so he order every native older than fourteen to collect a certain quantity of gold by three months. Once they had collected the amount, they would receive a copper to put around their neck, those without it had their hands cut off and bled to death. Many felt it was impossible to do this, and tried escaping but were always found and killed.When it was finally clear that there was no gold left, they took them all as slave labor to huge estates which are called encomiendas. Columbus’s big plan for Hispaniola since the beginning was to take advantage of the natives and take their land, and the gold he believed was located there. He built the first fort in the Western Hemisphere, and left some of his men to find and store gold there. Columbus had to ask for a little more help from their majesties, he convinced them by saying he would take them â€Å"as much gold as they need †¦ nd as many slaves as they ask†(Zinn,6 ) Columbus’s plans affected the natives, in many ways; first of all they were going to lose their land, and also they were going to be taken captive for slave labor. Howard Zinn not only introduced a new perspective on Christopher Columbus, but he changed the way I viewed things. I never knew how much killings, and torture was put upon the natives in the searching of the â€Å"New World†. I learned how the hero I thought Columbus was, in reality was more like a villain. He didn’t care what he had to do as long as he got what he wanted, even if it dealt with murders and torturing the natives.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Literary Analysis of the Great Gatsby Essay
F. Scott Fitzgerald demonstrates the thematic concern of carelessness in his fictional novel, The Great Gatsby, by using characters such as Jordan, Myrtle, and Daisy. Carelessness is exemplified many times throughout the book; such as on page 26. The narrator says, â€Å"She nodded and moved away from him just as George returned.†This statement describes Myrtle caressing her secret lover, Tom, just before her husband re-enters the room. She is careless as to hide her affection. Another example can be found on page 58, in a conversation between Nick and Jordan in the car. Nick: â€Å"Suppose you met somebody just as careless as yourself.†Jordan: â€Å"I hope I never will.†In this scene, Jordan is driving recklessly, as usual. Nick is confronting her about being careless for the first time. This is not the last time the author shows the thematic concern though: â€Å"Daisy sat back upon the couch. The nurse took a step forward and held out her hand.†During this part of the novel (page 23), Daisy pays no attention to her child. She leaves the nurse to take care of and raise her daughter; hence the term ‘careless’. As proven by the excerpts above, Fitzgerald clearly is attempting to put a subtle emphasis on this trait of life. By creating a chaotic atmosphere in the book, carelessness is obvioiusly going to play a big part in the plot to reach the climax. With quotes like the examples given, Fitzergerald accomplishes his goal of displaying carelessness throughout The Great Gatsby.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Reflective Account of My Day at Work Essay
Yesterday I started my day at work at 7:30 am as I was rotted for an early shift as a duty manager for that day. I am following three weeks rolling rota with my colleagues from Senior Management Team (SMT). First of my responsibilities determined by Health and Safety at Work Act as well as our own Signing in Book Policy was to sign in the signing in book. This will ensure that it is known that I am in the building. All the staff coming on duty is required to sign in that book so organisation can keep the track of who is on site for example in case of fire: â€Å"Should the fire alarms go off it is the responsibility of the Team Coordinator to bring the Signing In Book to the assembly point for checking†(Signing in Book Policy) After that I went to the team office where I joined handover from night staff to morning team. â€Å"The Purpose of handover is to ensure the continuity and quality of care through good communication†states our Staff Handovers Policy and it is a lso one of the legal requirements (NMS 17.6). Last night was quiet and all Young People had a good night sleep. After making sure that our staff levels are appropriate for the number of Young People (NMS 17.1, The Children’s Home Regulations Act 2001 and Staffing Policy: â€Å"This policy has been created to ensure that each child is supported and taught appropriately and kept safe whilst accommodated within Our Place†.) I carried out my daily checks. This includes of making sure that teams carry out health and safety checks as well as housekeeping checks. This provides prove that our company ensures clean and safe environment for Young People in our service NMS 10. I didn’t find any short falls in the check books so I signed them off and the next piece of documentation I checked was MAR sheets (Medication Administration Record sheets). The Children’s Home Regulations Act 2001 – section 21 gives a very clear guidance for training, administration and record keeping of medication. Once again I didn’t find any faults or discrepancies. After I completed my daily checks I went to my desk in main office to catch up with my emails. After checking and replying to all my emails I started working on staff’s rota for currant month. Once again, as mentioned above (NMS 17.1, The Children’s Home Regulations Act 2001 and Staffing Policy: â€Å"This policy has been created to ensure that each child is supported and taught appropriately and kept safe whilst accommodated within Our Place†.), it is my responsibility in organisation that home is staffed correctly and all the Young People are getting support required to meet their individual needs. It means booking our own staff for overtime shifts or using external agency if there are any gaps in our rota. Later on for rest of the rest of my day I was interviewing candidates for Support Worker role. Our company has got very thorough Recruitment & Selection Policy that gives a very clear guidance on the recruitment and selection process, starting with the section on â€Å"assessing the need for recruitment†and going thru all the steps of recruitment process in very detail (setting up recruitment file, advertising, sending out application packs, shortlisting candidates for interviews, interviewing, appointing candidates and eventually gaining the reference and DBS checks as part of safer recruitment and safeguarding Young People). Our Recruitment & Selection Policy is based on all relevant legislation (Children’s Act 1989, The Children’s Home Regulations Act 2001, National Minimum Standards, Keeping Children Safe in Education April 2014). In between the interviews I carried on with my electronic correspondence with Local Authorities, Parents or other external professionals and I also had my lunch break. In the afternoon I handed over everything to my colleague (Staff Handovers Policy, NMS 17.6) and I went home signing out in signing in book.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Liquidity Measurement Ratios
TESTS , the basic findings to be focused are the ratio analysis to generate company's profitability, liquidity and asset management. First of all let us focus on the liquidity measurement ratios that proves company's solvency In repaying debts and other liabilities. In comparison of 2013 & 2014, the Interpretation from current ratio can be drawn as higher the current ratio higher the capability of paying obligations. Here in our study the current ratio In 2013 Is less than 1 that Indicates the company has problems of paying.Comparatively In 2014 the ratio Is greater than 1 . The indication Is quite good. The quick ratio meets company's short term liabilities. The higher the ratio, higher the company's ability for repaying short term liableness. Here for both the year 2013 the quick ratio In associate with the current ratio Is almost zero. It has negative effect on company but for 2014 the quick ratio Is better. It Indicates company Is In good liquidly position and It has 2. 5 lulls a ssets to cover its current liability. Now In the phase of profitability analysis return on asset is better in 201 3 than 2014. E higher return on asset Shows Company earning more with less investment. If we look at the return on capital employed the 2014 data shows higher value than the 2013. It signifies company is employing its capital appropriately and generating shareholders value. From the above discussion we can conclude company's position from 2013 to 2014 is better irrespective of its solvency and capital generation as well as profitability growth. For forecasting companies income statement we can use few assumptions like revenue assumption,operating expenses, cost of revenue, operating margin assumption.By following the record for the past data the future income statement can be predicted. If we discuss them one by one we can have a clear idea. For revenue if we analyses the past year records it can be noticed its fluctuation year by year. In 2012 the company having higher position in revenue than its position from 2013 & 14. By observing the operating expenses we can have the higher data in 2014 than 201 3 and in 2012 the lowest data. The operating expenses shows in which area the company can curtail its expenses before damaging the company situation.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Analyze Informational E-Mail (Ch 5) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Analyze Informational E-Mail (Ch 5) - Essay Example The planning of the Gamma Fall Training Conference that will be held in Kendall Campus of Miami Dade College is underway. The speakers for the training session are Nicole Gold (e-mail: who whose training topic is â€Å"using e-mail and IM effectively†and scheduled to be training on 12th November. The other speaker is Anthony Mills ( has confirmed to be speaking on 13th November about â€Å"Lading groups and teams.†Please assist us with contacting each of these speakers via the provided e-mail addresses and confirming with them about the dates and topics they will be presenting. This has to be done before 1st September in order to print the program in time. In case of any queries, contact me on my cell number 1653643. Thank you for your time and assistance and sorry for any inconveniences. There should be a subject line which explains what the email is specifically about (report on what). She should rephrase and organize her opening with proper introduction. The body should contain the suggestions made by the speaker and finally the closing should be officially presented. The workshop discussed on issues to do with workplace violence including suggestions on how to reduce them. The presenter was Kit Adkins who provided three suggestions on how to prevent workplace violence. The first was on how to prescreen job applicants including conducting a background check before hiring them. The second was that all companies should have employee handbook with guidelines on the steps employee should take when they suspect workplace violence and lastly, the companies should train managers on red-flag behavior that is on how to recognize potential workplace violence. In case more research is required about prescreening techniques, please inform me and also inform me by 18th November whether I will be required to prepare a report about the same during the
Monday, August 12, 2019
GDP - Gross Domestic Product Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
GDP - Gross Domestic Product - Essay Example Nominal GDP is the GDP according to current year prices while real GDP accounts for the effect of inflation on prices and is therefore also known as inflation adjusted GDP. By the use of a base year and elimination of effects due to price changes, real GDP allows useful comparisons to be made regarding the production of goods and services in an economy. For instance if the economy were growing at the rate of 4% per year while the rate of inflation was 1% then only 3% of the growth would be due to an increase in the economic output while 1% would be only due to price changes. GDP per capita describes the average number of goods and services consumed per person in a country. The significance of GDP as an instrument for channeling of aid and investments into countries is highlighted by Canoy and Lerais in the research titled ‘Beyond GDP’ that was composed for the European Commission in which they say: ‘GDP is the best-recognized measure of economic performance in the world, often used as a generic indicator of well-being. GDP is used in a large variety of political and financial arenas. It serves as a criterion to decide who has access to funds at international organizations such as the EU, UN, IMF and World Bank, GDP plays an important part in the Stability and Growth Pact, and it is a lead indicator for forecasts of financial markets and banks, to mention just a few examples. It is also used for international comparison and rankings and plays a crucial role in political debates.’ (Canoy and Lerais, 2007) The GDP of any given country fails to adequately explain its overall economic well being since its calculation either excludes or overstates a number of crucial aspects that describe the standard of living of a population. The notion of ‘well being’ has been described as a multidimensional concept ‘with both an individual interpretation in the Aristotelian spirit and a collective one to capture the progress of a nation’ (Canoy and Lerais, 2007). Although GDP per capita i.e. goods and services consumed by the average person measures the spending by an individual yet it does not accurately depict an individuals’ well being. Materialistic expenditure is not all that characterizes individual well being. Rather it is a much more comprehensive idea including psychological well being as well as happiness derived from non material sources. An individual’s health, diet, achievements, mobility and participation in society are all essential sources o f contentment that are not included in calculation of GDP.
2014 denominated the top five countries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
2014 denominated the top five countries - Essay Example The Euro is a currency used by 17 member countries within the Eurozone. The European Central Bank is the central bank for the joint Eurozone countries. According to forex traders, the euro can trade in between 30 to 40 pips on average, albeit prone to changes in the bond market. Today, 1 Euro is equivalent to U.S. $ 1.36. Established in 1882, the Bank of Japan controls the second largest economy in the world. The Japanese Yen has become popular in less developed economies in Asia such as Vietnam, North Korea, Cambodia, and Laos. As a result of the growing Japanese economy, the Yen has drastically improved; 1Japanse Yen is equivalent to 0.0098 U.S. dollar. The British Pound, Queen’s currency, is controlled by the Bank of England. Until the World War, the British Pound had been the most traded currency in the world. On the contrary, the currency now exchanges with the U.S dollar at $ 1.70. The Swiss Franc is served by the Swiss National Bank, with both public and private ownership. According to forex trading reports, one U.S. dollar was equivalent to 5 francs back in 1994. Today, 1FR exchanges as U.S. $
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Catholic Charities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Catholic Charities - Essay Example St. Luke's Addiction Recovery Centre offers rehabilitation services for those with substance abuse. This location is well maintained to ensure that it is able to offer its services in an efficient manner and in a pleasing environment. This is a non-governmental organization, which is non-profit social service organization and is aimed at alleviating human suffering by offering the necessary assistance. It has continued services aimed a restoring dignity to the human race. This has been achieved by operating within the set goals and mission (Addiction Treatment Centers, 2008). The mission of Catholic Charities is to honor God by ensuing that they enhance the quality of life and dignity through offering the necessary support to individuals and families, fighting poverty, building communities and working towards a justice cause. The organization offers different types of services. ... sts immigrants; housing services for the homeless; and behavioral health care which includes counseling, prevention and basic treatment offered in sites like Miami-Dade and Broward Counties. In the organization, I was functioning as an intern in the outpatients department. In this section I offered individual therapy. I also facilitated peer led group services with other people in the organization. Internal structure of the organization The whole organization has about 23 staff working in different programs in the organization. All these people are of diverse origin comparable to that of South Florida. The staff is balanced in terms of gender, ethnicity, disability, age, and professional status. Of all the staff there are 20 females and 16 males which shows close gender equality in distribution. The staff has paid close attention to the ethnicity of the community and has included Cubans, African American people, Puerto Rican, Jamaicans, and there are also white American staff members in the organization. The organization is headed by the president who also acts as the chairperson of the board. Under the chairperson there is the Chief Executive Officer. The Chief Executive Officer delegates the duty to Chief Operating Officer who delegates to Financial Officer and Data Security Officer. In matters of operation efficiency, the organization is very efficient in it operation given the great division of labor and specialization in the organization. Every staff member is assigned to their duties, which they attend to efficiently. The initial treatment plan is usually completed within three days of admission. The treatment plans are revised with the counselor after every 30 days. It ensures that a month before discharge at least 72% complete treatment with no alcohol and
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Discussion of the theories on Optimal Capital Structure Essay
Discussion of the theories on Optimal Capital Structure - Essay Example The study by Modigliani and Miller was based on the following assumptions: 1. There are no brokerage costs. 2. There are no taxes. 3. There are no bankruptcy costs. 4. Investors can borrow at the same rate as corporations. 5. All investors have the same information as management about the firm’s future investment opportunities. 6. EBIT is not affected by the use of debt. This theory says that if these assumptions hold true, the value of the firm is not affected by the capital structure. This situation is expressed as follows: VL = VU = SL + D. Here VL is the value of a levered firm, VU is the value of an identical, unlevered firm, SL is the value of the levered firm’s stock and D is the value of its debt. As we know that WACC is a combination of cost of debt and cost of equity. The cost of debt is lower than the cost of equity. As a company raises capital through debt, the weight of debt increases and hence, it drives up the cost of equity as equity gets riskier. According to the assumptions by Modigliani and Miller, the cost of equity increases by an amount to keep the WACC constant. In other words, under these assumptions it does not matter whether the firm uses debt or equity to raise capital. So, capital structure decisions are irrelevant in such conditions. Modigliani and Miller: The Effect of Corporate Taxes In 1963, Modigliani and Miller relaxed the assumption that there are no corporate taxes. The corporate tax laws favour debt financing over equity financing because the tax laws allow companies to deduct interest payments as expense and on the other hand dividends are not deductible. So this treatment encourages debt financing. Interest payments reduce the amount the firm pay s to the government in the form of taxes and more of its cash is available for its investors. Hence, tax deductibility of the interest payments acts as a shield for the firm’s income before tax. Modigliani and Miller presented this concept as follows: VL = VU + Value of side effects = VU + PV of tax shield. They further simplified the concept as: VL = VU + TD. Here T is the corporate tax rate and D is the amount of debt. This relationship is expressed in the graph below. If the corporate tax rate is 40%, then this formula implies that every dollar of debt will increase the value of the firm by 40 cents. Hence, the optimal capital structure is 100% debt. Under this theory, the cost of equity increases as the amount of debt increases but it does not increase as fast as it does under the assumption that there are no taxes. As a result, under this theory the WACC falls as the amount of debt increases. This relationship is shown in the following graph. Miller: The Effect of corpor ate and personal taxes Later Miller brought in the aspect of personal taxes in this model. He said that income from the bonds is considered as interest which is taxed as personal income at a particular rate (Td). On the other hand, income from stocks comes in the form of dividends and capital gains. The tax on long-term capital gains is deferred until the stock is sold and the gain is realized. Of the stock is held until the owner dies no capital gains tax is paid. So he concluded that the returns on stock are taxed at a lower effective tax rate (Ts) than returns on debt. Looking gat this, Miller argued
Friday, August 9, 2019
Mercantlism and capitalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Mercantlism and capitalism - Essay Example on the assumption that individualism is good for fostering competition in the society where people further their skills to increase their competitiveness thus resulting in economic growth. However, mercantilism philosophy encourages monopoly where property is controlled by influential people who receive protection and support from the government through subsidies (Degen 13). Capitalism, therefore, gives individuals freedom as well as equal opportunities to create wealth in a free market. In this case, the philosophy gives the right to private property where an individual’s freedom to consume preferred encourages more production resulting in more wealth for the nation. Nonetheless, mercantilists propose restrictions and regulations on private ownership since it is a way individuals amass wealth for themselves at the expense of economic growth (Degen 14). Therefore, capitalism theory encourages private property ownership and advocate consumer spending and enjoying of life as a road to economic growth while mercantilism philosophy perceives individualism as extravagant and that consumers should stop spending to prevent the flow of wealth from the economy. Mercantilism was common during the colonization periods where the governments enacted laws and policies to regulate the economy for their benefits (Degen 16). They believed that mercantilism philosophy of accumulation wealth would increase net inflow into their nations. The best ways that the mercantilists ensured wealth accumulation included controlling their shipments, stopping importation of goods and services, and increasing tax on imports. The mercantilism philosophy was a disadvantage to the poor as the governments would grant monopoly charters where trade was concentrated within an easily controlled group with restrictions on participation in trade. British East India Company is among the international traders that benefited from the mercantilism or monopolistic economic activities (Degen 16). At this
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Gender and Aging Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Gender and Aging - Essay Example For instance, Ms. Beatrice engages in volunteering work in order to find time to share with her daughter and grandchildren (Anno. 2014). This helps her to feel better because of the company and the chance to interact with others. The aging services can help widows like Ms. Beatrice Newman cope with such challenges and age successfully by providing social occasions where they can interact with others. This is essential since it will make them feel appreciated and forget about their problems back at home. It would also be appropriate to encourage them to participate in volunteering activities where they can keep busy and socialize with other members of the society (Anno. 2014). This arises because the main challenge to them is loneliness and loss of touch of the family members. As a result, aging services can support caregivers by providing suitable facilities and conditions for taking care of the
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Education mis in East African countries - Tanzania Dissertation
Education mis in East African countries - Tanzania - Dissertation Example The creation of the MIS model will serve the purposes of empowering decision makers and the creation of capacity to deliver better education services across the sector. In the area of requirements analysis, the creation of the specification for the MIS model was executed through incorporation of national and international standards of education, regarding the needs of the users of the Tanzanian education sector. Communication with the users was executed through interviews, as this model offered unbiased information on the viewpoints of the user population. Feedback surveys were also helpful towards reaching the desired information base, as collected from social networking and other ICT-related data sites. Areas of constraints included the vague knowledge of the specifications desired by the user population, the unreasonable timelines of the end-users, and the communication gap between implementation teams and the end-user population. The rationales for the choices made were based on rationale capture and rationale representation, which were verified using argument-based choices. The software requirements specification was designed to emphasize on and foster the usage of management information systems throughout the creation, processing and consumption of information. Performance indicators revolved around the service delivery of service personnel to the documentation of students, and offering a complete picture of the educations sector. The features of the model under implementation include capturing baseline statistics like the demography of users to school performance capacities. Data flow across the sector was created to improve the practice and quality of management across the different user groups. The schedule for the implementation of the model will extend across 2011 and 2012, prior to expansion depending on the depicted implementation needs and uptake capacity. Under design specification, the model was split into two sub-phases: the top level design an d the detailed design level. The implementation of the model covered the development of the model, creation of data collection forms, data entry models and checking of the quality of the application. In the area of testing, the MIS model was tested on a number of areas, including the presence of bugs, model usability, and model compatibility. The model will offer a platform from which the education sector can run in a more effective manner, following the more effective transfer and communication of relevant information across the sector. INTRODUCTION AND DESCRIPTION OF THE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE MIS MODEL UNDER CREATION The education sector at Tanzania has historically faced numerous challenges, including the lack of basic infrastructure like electricity at local
Violence in Mexico Essay Example for Free
Violence in Mexico Essay Nothing is surprising today that many today’s newspapers articles, publicized about how elderly people around the world had been discriminated, especially in Mexico. These older people gave us life, they are harmless, defenseless, some society members see them as an obstacle, also a heavy load that need to be carry on their backs. They are jeopardizing their life because of the way society treats them and because of the actual violence in Mexico. There are 600 million elderly people in the world; seven of them living in Mexico, according to the INEGI (Mexico’s census) showed statistics that elderly population is living longer and their population is increasing. Doctors and medicines can reach now the rural areas where before was impossible to get medical aid, also better medicines had being discovered and doctors are getting better preparation than before. The welfare of the elderly population has numerous dimensions, poverty, health care, and the receipt of pension income. In Mexico, many benefits such as having access to health care and receiving a pension at old age are associated with a form of employment. Since women historically have participated less in the labor market than men have, it is natural to expect that women would experience lower living conditions than men would in old age; also the wellbeing of the elderly group is dramatically inferior comparing to other age groups. Fewer older parents wish to assume the uncertainties of following their children across international borders, especially if they or their children have no legal documents. Instead, older people tend not to move, and sending areas often become old as the young migrate and leave their parents and grandparents behind. Mexico’s large population has a high level of poverty and hunger compared to rest of the world. Migration is a fluid process, however one that not only influences social behavior in U.S. destinations, but also lives and lifestyles across the border in Mexico. Although we might hear more about immigrants living and working in United States cities, the vast majority of Mexican immigrants and/or their families do not move to the United States permanently. In fact, Mexico-United States migration most commonly involves individuals leaving their households to engage in temporary or recurrent United States migration strategies that are identify by short-term stays and repeat trips. Two emerging from this social process are transnational communities, involving spatial, economic, and social ties that link residents between the two countries. Some elderly parents will look to their children for support, but some will find a limited set of alternatives given the prevalence of migration. Thus, migration may cause a rise in the number of elderly living alone or seeking alternative types of living arrangements to meet their needs. The discussion below first describes traditional patterns of living arrangements and intergenerational support in Mexico; then examines migration patterns and begins to assess their consequences for elderly living arrangements; and finally presents findings from data collected in fifty-two Mexican villages. No one, especially not one of Mexicos top law enforcement officials, denies that killings by drug cartels have reached record levels. Mexico all of a sudden stopped being a drug-transit country and became a drug-consuming country this means gangs that once shipped drugs into the United States, are now fighting each other to sell the drugs at home. Their fights center on territory whose gets to sell what and where. The only way to settle their differences is through violence, Rubido said. Theyre fighting block by block in a very violent way. The result is a brutal onslaught that resulted in about fifty-four thousand deaths last year, more than double the tallied in 2007. Many analysts say Mexico is on track to set a record again this year. A United Nations report released this week notes that the government of Mexico faces violent opposition by drug cartels to its attempts to fight organized crime and drug trafficking, adding that drug cartels have responded with unprecedented violenc e. That intimidation can often take brutal forms. Last weekend, a police official from the state of Tabasco, arrested a dangerous and one of the country most wanted drug trafficker, a week later he was killed so were his mother, his wife, his children, nieces and nephews. Twelve people total were dead in three homes. Six of them were children. While drugs are being smuggled north, a lot of guns are going south, said Brian Jenkins, a terrorism expert at Rand Corp. â€Å"Authority does not have control over all of its national territory and they had lost most of it to traffickers.†President Felipe Calderon criticized the media for mounting a campaign of â€Å"lies†against Mexico. His comments come two days after important French politicians visited this country, U.S. Director of National Intelligence, said Mexico is not in charge of parts of the country. It pains me the way elderly people is suffering, their only goal is to achieve peace and love, they already gave these to us, now is time to pay them back, we as their descendants should look for the opportunity to share happy moments with them, and place them in places where they are going to be safe and happy.
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Application Of Microcontroller In Instrumentation Information Technology Essay
Application Of Microcontroller In Instrumentation Information Technology Essay A microcontroller is a small computer on a single integrated circuit consisting internally of a relatively simple CPU, clock, timers, I/O ports, and memory. Program memory in form of NOR flash or ROM is also often included on chip, as well as a typically small amount of RAM. Microcontrollers are designed for small or dedicated applications. Thus, in contrast to the microprocessors used in personal computers and other high-performance or general purpose applications, simplicity is emphasized. Some microcontrollers may use four-bit words and operate at clock rate frequencies as low as 4 kHz as this is adequate for many typical applications, enabling low power consumption. They will generally have the ability to retain functionality while waiting for an event such as a button press or other interrupt; power consumption while sleeping (CPU clock and most peripherals off) may be just nano watts, making many of them well suited for long la sting battery applications. Microcontrollers are used in automatically controlled products and devices, such as automobile engine control systems, implantable medical devices, remote controls, office machines, appliances, power tools, and toys. By reducing the size and cost compared to a design that uses a separate microprocessor, memory, and input/output devices, microcontrollers make it economical to digitally control even more devices and processes. Mixed signal microcontrollers are common, integrating analog components needed to control non-digital electronic systems. INTRODUCTION Embedded design A microcontroller can be considered a self-contained system with a processor, memory and peripherals and can be used with an embedded system. The majority of microcontrollers in use today are embedded in other machinery, such as automobiles, telephones, appliances, and peripherals for computer systems. These are called embedded systems. While some embedded systems are very sophisticated, many have minimal requirements for memory and program length, with no operating system, and low software complexity. Programs Microcontroller programs must fit in the available on-chip program memory, since it would be costly to provide a system with external, expandable, memory. Compilers and assembler are used to turn high-level language and assembler language codes into a compact machine code for storage in the microcontrollers memory. Depending on the device, the program memory may be permanent, read-only memory that can only be programmed at the factory, or program memory may be field-alterable flash or erasable read-only memory. Other microcontroller features Many embedded systems need to read sensors that produce analog signals. This is the purpose of the analog-to-digital converter (ADC). Since processors are built to interpret and process digital data, i.e. 1s and 0s, they wont be able to do anything with the analog signals that may be sent to it by a device. So the analog to digital converter is used to convert the incoming data into a form that the processor can recognize. A less common feature on some microcontrollers is a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) that allows the processor to output analog signals or voltage levels. Time Processing Unit (TPU) is a sophisticated timer. In addition to counting down, the TPU can detect input events, generate output events, and perform other useful operations. A dedicated Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) block makes it possible for the CPU to control power converters, resistive loads, motors, etc., without using lots of CPU resources in tight timer loops. Higher integration In contrast to general-purpose CPUs, micro-controllers may not implement an external address or data bus as they integrate RAM and non-volatile memory on the same chip as the CPU. Using fewer pins, the chip can be placed in a much smaller, cheaper package. A micro-controller is a single integrated circuit, commonly with the following features central processing unit ranging from small and simple 4-bit processors to complex 32- or 64-bit processors discrete input and output bits, allowing control or detection of the logic state of an individual package pin. APPLICATION OF MICROCONTROLLER IN INSTRUMENTATION LIST OF MICROCONTROLLER BASED PROJECTS 1. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C51 BASED METRO TRAIN PROTOTYPE USING LCD: The project shows resemblance as you are travelling in metro train. It will display three stations at LCD and a stepper motor to rotate clock or anti-clock wise. 2. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C51 BASED VOTING MACHINE: The voting system for four candidates with memory backup to restore the results to be viewed with password. Now-a-days Electronic voting machines are being used effectively. The confidence of the voter in its flawless working is gradually building up and these machines are thus becoming quite popular throughout the country. Features of the electronic voting machine include avoidance of invalid votes and reduction of counting time and the consequent expenditure incurred on manpower deployment. By using the Microcontroller the voting machine can be built up easily and it will make simple to operate. 3. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C51 BASED TEXT EDITOR CUM MOVING MESSAGE DISPLAY: The project comprises 30 keys to edit any message in English. One can restore the message in memory IC. The 16 characters at a time can be view in running mode. 4. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C51 BASED FULL FUNCTION STEPPER MOTOR CONTROLLER: The project will operate the stepper motor in almost all modes viz. clock, anti -clock, speed and frequency control with time duration for both directions. 5. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C51 BASED WATER LEVEL CONTROLLER CUM MOTOR PROTECTOR: It can indicate the level and control the water pump at top level filling. The present concept implements controlling of pump which pumps water from the sump (underground tank) to the overhead tank, using 8951 microcontroller. The control panel, i.e. the main control unit of the system which consists of the primary control switches, pump indicator, siren and level indicators. The visual example of how switches And the indicators can be placed as shown the figure below. 6. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C51 BASED SIMPLE STEPPER MOTOR CONTROLLER: A simple stepper motor controller circuit with direction change only. A stepper motor (or step motor) is a brushless, synchronous electric motor that can divide a full rotation into a large number of steps. The motors position can be controlled precisely without any feedback mechanism (see Open-loop controller), as long as the motor is carefully sized to the application. Stepper motors are similar to switched reluctance motors (which are very large stepping motors with a reduced pole count, and generally are closed-loop commutated.) 7. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C51 BASED AUTO GEAR SHIFTING SYSTEM: The circuit shows the demo of auto shifting of gears using stepper motor with the change in speed of vehicle. One can change the speed of DC motor as actual vehicle running wheel. Motorcycle is widely used around the world and particularly in Pakistan. The gear shifting system of the motorcycle is conventionally manual. This paper covers development of an indigenous automatic gear shifting/changing system for the standard motorcycle. By this system the manual mechanical gear-shifting system will remain unchanged because an additional electro-mechanical system is placed on the vehicle to shift the gear and for automatic controlling the clutch. So the system has both the options manual as well as automatic. This system uses low-cost microcontrollers to make the accurate decision for shifting the gear up and down by observing the speed, and it controls the clutch transmission where necessary. The complete hardware and software has been tested and the functioning of the automatic gear sh ifting system is verified. This system is flexible and can be used with any motorcycle manufactured in Pakistan ranging from 50cc to 200cc. 8. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C51 BASED AUTO SPEED LIMITER WITH AUTO BREAKING: The project is to read the rpm of an automobile and according to that it limits the speed as Speed Governor. One can change the speed with variable control. This Project can be used with the three phase Induction motors. The circuit will take the full control of the motor and it will protect the motor from several faults such us over voltage and under voltage and the circuit will switch on the motor under safety conditions. The circuit was fully controlled by the microcontroller and the microcontroller wills continuously monitors the voltages of the three phases and if the voltage goes abnormal then it will switch off the motor until they are normal. All the conditions are displayed it over the LCD display. In our project we are using the popular 8 bit microcontroller AT89S52. It is a 40 pin microcontroller. 9. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C51 BASED FASTEST FINGER FIRST: Useful for Quiz games, dumb charades. It displays the player no. along with the beep for seven players. 10. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C51 BASED TEMPERATURE METER: It will display the room temperature on LCD and one can set the desired value to indicate the alarm or control at a desired temperature. It uses an ADC to interface with LM-35 sensor. 11. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C51 BASED INFRARED REMOTE CONTROLLED SWITCH BOARD: One can operate (on/off) four electrical devices with TV remote synchronized with circuit independently. 12. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C51 BASED RANK DISPLAY SYSTEM FOR RACE QUIZ COMPETITION WITH LCD: It can resolve the time difference (may be few milliseconds) and indicate the correct ranking between the individuals denoted A to H 13. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C51 BASED AUTO SPEED LIMITER/GOVERNER WITH AUTO BREAKING: The project is to read the rpm of a automobile and according to that it limits the speed as Speed Governor. One can change the speed with variable control. 14. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C51 BASED LINE FOLLOWER ROBOT: A Robotic car that follows the black line at the floor area based on IR sensors with transmitters and receivers. 15. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C51 BASED YES MASTER FOLLOWER: A robotic car that follows his master who is sending an IR transmission always. 16. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C51 BASED VOLTAGE/ POWER FACTOR / FREQUENCY METER: The project checks the electrical input factors as multifunction meter. 17. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C51 BASED RFID ATTENDENCE MONITOR: The project will show the names of person who had pressed the RFID key on LCD. One can use DATA encoder/decoder circuit. 18. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C2051 BASED FREQUENCY COUNTER USING LCD: The project will check the unknown frequency input up to 200 KHz. And display at LCD. 19. TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROL TRAFFIC MAN: It can actually control traffic with lights and humanoid robot police man rotating in all directions with hand movements for stop and go actions. This is a project comprises two stepper motors to perform the action. 20. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C2051 BASED IR WIRELESS FREQUENCY COUNTER: The project will check the unknown frequency input up to 200KHz. Coming from an IR source and display at LCD. 21. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C2051 BASED COUNTDOWN TIMER: The project performs the countdown operation for up to -99 minutes with two seven segments display showing actual time left to activate or de-activate the connected relay. 22. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C2051 BASED TEMPERATURE INDICATOR: The temperature of room can be displayed at LCD using a sensitive device DS 1621. 23. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C2051 BASED ALARM CLOCK: The unit display the time in Hr. Min. and one can set the alarm also for a desired time at Seven segment display. 24. MICROCONTROLLER AT-89C2051 BASED VEHICLE SPEEDOMETER CUM ODOMETER: The project comprises a dc motor speed controller circuit with reed sensor. It is being detected by this and displays the same at LCD in form of speed KmHr. and also display the distance covered by the vehicle. DETAIL OF SOME APPLICATION Microcontroller based Electronic Governor and Control System of a Mini-hydro Power Plant:- This project is absolute requirement to develop small-scale power plants. The idea is described in the introduction. Then there are some details about the functionality of the system. That is described in both user aspect and technical aspect. The idea will lead to fully automated power plants with remote access, while it is lower cost. Some attractive future development proposals will be at the end of the technical details. INTRODUCTION In brief our project is an Microcontroller based Electronic Governor Control System for Mini Hydro Power Plant. The courses of selecting this project were the expanding the features of the presently available mechanical governor systems and improve the remote controllability of the system in user-friendly manner. In this invention we selected specific mini hydro plant to consideration because of several limitations. The governor of a mini-hydro power plant considers as a heart of the system. It controls the output power and makes the generator frequency up to the grid frequency by utilizing the available water supply to the turbine. Those operations are achieved by controlling the gate valves of the turbine. Almost all the turbine units use this method of control and it comprises of a mechanical actuator and electrical control device to give the desired command signals to the actuator to open or close valves appropriately. Commercially available electronic governors are very expensive. It is very difficult to find a suitable commercial product for a particular power plant and not easy to tune them to reach the best operating condition. Therefore our main focus was to implement an electronic governor system for a user specific circumstance. So the initial stage, we studied the entire control system of a mini-hydro power plant that is situated at Niriella. Then we decided to develop this electronic governor system using newly promoted micro-controller technology. Other than the basic governor operations we impl emented several new features. To interact with the micro-controller some of the electronic devices were re-implemented. BASIC OPERATION Although its called an Electronic governor control system, it consists of some plant automating functions as well. All those functions can be categorized as follows. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Starting and shutting down sequences of the plant. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Frequency controlling until the generator is synchronized with the national grid. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Manual and automatic control of the power output. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Quick safety actions in fatal faulty conditions. FUNCTIONAL UNITS The entire system is an integration of several functional units. The system software controls those units. 1. Generator Frequency Counter 2. Grid Frequency Counter 3. Water Level Sensor 4. Valve Position Sensor 5. Stepper Motor Driver 6. Emergency Circuit Breaker unit 7. Main Board LCD interfacing with Microcontrollers Introduction The most commonly used Character based LCDs are based on Hitachis HD44780 controller. In this we will discuss about character based LCDs, their interfacing with various microcontrollers, various interfaces (8-bit/4-bit), programming, special stuff and tricks you can do with these simple looking LCDs which can give a new look to your application. Pin Description The most commonly used LCDs found in the market today are 1 Line, 2 Line or 4 Line LCDs which have only 1 controller and support at most of 80 charachers, whereas LCDs supporting more than 80 characters .Most LCDs with 1 controller has 14 Pins and LCDs with 2 controller has 16 Pins (two pins are extra in both for back-light LED connections). Keypad circuit diagram Usually these days you will find single controller LCD modules are used more in the market. So in the tutorial we will discuss more about the single controller LCD, the operation and everything else is same for the double controller too. Lets take a look at the basic information which is there in every LCD. LCD Initialization Before using the LCD for display purpose, LCD has to be initialized either by the internal reset circuit or sending set of commands to initialize the LCD. It is the user who has to decide whether an LCD has to be initialized by instructions or by internal reset circuit. We will discuss both ways of initialization one by one. Initialization by instructions Initializing LCD with instructions is really simple. Given below is a flowchart that describes the step to follow, to initialize the LCD. LCD initialization flow chart Figure 8: Flow chart for LCD initialization As you can see from the flow chart, the LCD is initialized in the following sequence 1) Send command 0x30 Using 8-bit interface 2) Delay 20ms 3) Send command 0x30 8-bit interface 4) Delay 20ms 5) Send command 0x30 8-bit interface 6)Delay 20ms 7) Send Function set see Table 4 for more information 8)Display Clear command 9) Set entry mode command explained below The first 3 commands are usually not required but are recommended when you are using 4-bit interface. So you can program the LCD starting from step 7 when working with 8-bit interface. Programming example for LCD Initialization CODE: LCD_data equ P2   LCD Data port LCD_D7  equ P2.7  LCD D7/Busy Flag LCD_rs  equ P1.0  LCD Register Select LCD_rw  equ P1.1  LCD Read/Write LCD_en  equ P1.2  LCD Enable LCD_init:      mov  LCD_data,#38H  Function set: 2 Line, 8-bit, 57 dots      clr  LCD_rs          clr  LCD_rw     We are writing in instruction register      setb  LCD_en         clr  LCD_en      acall LCD_busy   Wait for LCD to process the command      mov  LCD_data,#0FH  Display on, Curson blinking command      clr  LCD_rs          clr  LCD_rw     We are writing in instruction register      setb  LCD_en         clr  LCD_en      acall LCD_busy    Wait for LCD to process the command      mov  LCD_data,#01H  Clear LCD      clr  LCD_rs          clr  LCD_rw     We are writing in instruction register      setb  LCD_en         clr  LCD_en      acall LCD_busy    Wait for LCD to process the command      mov  LCD_data,#06H  Entry mode, auto increment with no shift      clr  LCD_rs     Selected command register      clr  LCD_rw     We are writing in instruction register      setb  LCD_en         clr  LCD_en      acall LCD_busy  Wait for LCD to process the command      ret          Digital Countdown Timer (AT89C2051) A simple count-down LED timer that counts in minutes and seconds. Three buttons below the LED provide control of the unit, allowing you set the desired countdown time in minutes and seconds and a start/stop button. Completion of the countdown is indicated by an alarm that starts when the countdown has finished and the display reads zero. The alarm is stopped by pressing the start/stop button. Circuit diagram:- count AUTOMATIC SOLAR TRACKER AUTOMATIC SOLAR TRACKER starts following the SUN right from dawn, throughout the day, till evening, and starts all over again from dawn next day. On cloudy weathers, it remains still and catches the SUN again as it slips out of clouds. It does all this automatically, employs cheap and inexpensive components, and is very accurate. Let us see how it does all this. There are three Electronic Modules to be explained. First one is the HORIZONTAL SENSOR MODULE. It employs the timer 555 in the MONOSTABLE MODE. PIN 2(Trigger Pin of 555) is hooked up with a VOLTAGE DIVIDER NETWORK (PLEASE see FIGURE 2). PIN 4(Reset) is hooked up with ANOTHER VOLTAGE DIVIDER NETWORK. Fig 1: Block diagram of the tracker following the sun all through Fig 1: Block diagram of the tracker following the sun all through fig 4: Stepper motor control board Fig: Stepper motor control board I have only shown the Horizontal Motor Control Circuit. The Vertical One uses a similar Decade Counter, NPN Transistors, and Diodes (to encounter BACK EMF of Power Transistors due to Fast Switching). I chose for a Steep Angle of 2 Degrees for the Unipolar Steppers. They are driven in a Normal 4 Step Sequence, first coil A is energised simultaneously with coil B, then coil C with coil D. Thus the Motors rotate by 2 degrees each time. The Charging Interval is almost in synchronism with the steps/second speed of the motors, to avoid false triggering. STEPPER MOTOR Introduction This section will explain you everything that you need to know about stepper motors. Stepper motors can be used in various areas of your microcontroller projects such as making robots, robotic arm, automatic door lock system etc. This tutorial will explain you construction of stepper motors, basic principal, different controlling types (Half step and Full step), Interfacing Techniques (using L293D or ULN2003) and programming your microcontroller in C and assembly to control stepper motor. Unipolar stepper motor The unipolar stepper motor has five or six wires and four coils (actually two coils divided by centre connections on each coil). The centre connections of the coils are tied together and used as the power connection. They are called unipolar steppers because power always comes in on this one pole. Bipolar stepper motor The bipolar stepper motor usually has four wires coming out of it. Unlike unipolar steppers, bipolar steppers have no common centre connection. They have two independent sets of coils instead. You can distinguish them from unipolar steppers by measuring the resistance between the wires. You should find two pairs of wires with equal resistance. If youve got the leads of your meter connected to two wires that are not connected (i.e. not attached to the same coil), you should see infinite resistance (or no continuity). As already said, we will talk mostly on Unipolar stepper motors which is most common type of stepper motor available in the market. A simple example of 6 lead step motor is given below and in 5 lead step motor wire 5 and 6 are joined together to make 1 wire as common. Unipolar stepper motor coils Working of Stepper Motor Now lets discuss the operation principal of a stepper motor. When we energize a coil of Stepper motor, the shaft of stepper motor (which is actually a permanent magnet) align itself according to poles of energized coil. So when motor coils are energized in a particular sequence, motor shaft tend to align itself according to pole of coils and hence rotates. A small example of energizing operation is given below. working principal of stepper motor You can see in the example, when coil A is energized, A north-south polarity is generated at A+A as shown in the figure above and magnetic shaft automatically align itself according to the poles generated. When the next coil is energized the shaft again aligns itself and takes a step. Hence , the working principal. working principal of stepper motor We have seen that to make the stepper motor work, we need to energize coil in a sequence. The explanation and generation of the sequence is explained in the next section of the tutorial. Stepper Motor interfacing with Microcontrollers: Programming Stepper motor Programming Full step Sequence I am assuming that stepper motor is connected at Port 1.0 to Port 1.3. Adjusting the delay will increase or decrease the speed of the motor. Here just for demonstration i have taken some delay, you can change it as you want.  org 0H stepper equ P1 main:     mov stepper, #0CH     acall delay     mov stepper, #06H     acall delay     mov stepper, #03H     acall delay     mov stepper, #09H     acall delay     sjmp main delay:     mov r7,#4 wait2:     mov r6,#0FFH wait1:     mov r5,#0FFH wait:     djnz r5,wait     djnz r6,wait1     djnz r7,wait2     ret     end The working of the above code can be seen in the demo animation below. unipolar stepper motor in full step sequence Programming Half step Sequence Assembly Programming: Here also the main routine changes rest everything remains same. CODE: main:     mov stepper, #08H     acall delay     mov stepper, #0CH     acall delay     mov stepper, #04H     acall delay     mov stepper, #06H     acall delay     mov stepper, #02H     acall delay     mov stepper, #03H     acall delay     mov stepper, #01H     acall delay     mov stepper, #09H     acall delay     sjmp main The working of the above code can be seen in the demo animation below. unipolar stepper motor in half step sequence Water level indicator cum controller Water level indicator is which pumps water from the sump (unrepresented concept implements controlling of pump reground tank) to the overhead tank, using 8951 microcontroller. The control panel i.e. the main control unit of the system which consists of the primary control switches, pump indicator, siren and level indicators. The visual example of how switches. And the indicators can be placed as shown the figure below. Front view of the model Front view of the model In the figure shown above there are total of nine LEDs, four of which indicates the water level in the tank, another four indicates the water level in the sump and one LED indicates whether the pump is ON/OFF. It also consists of three switches. 1. Switch 1 is the main power switch which is used to activate the system. 2. Switch 2 is used to select whether to operate the pump in AUTO or MANUAL mode. 3. Switch 3 comes to picture only when the system is operated in MANUAL mode. It controls the direct activation of the pump. Description: This system is built around an 8951 microcontroller and the circuit diagram is as given below. Circuit diagram of Water level indicator cum controller As you can see in the above diagram, port 0 is exclusively used as an input port which takes the information regarding the water level in the sump as well as in the overhead tank. Port 1 is used as output port which is connected to the indicator that indicates the water level in both the tanks. Port 2 is used as in/out port, it takes the input from switch 2 and switches 3 and gives the output which is connected to pump indicator, siren and the relay which controls the switching of the pump. Working of the system: There are two modes of working for the system 1. Manual mode 2. Auto mode Manual mode: When the system is active and in manual mode, it only indicates the water levels in the tanks and it doesnt control any working of the pump. To activate the pump in manual mode switch 3 is used. In this mode the operator should manually control the working of the pump. As in case if the tank is full, operator should switch of the pump which is not the case when compared to auto mode. Auto mode: When the system is active and in auto mode, it only indicates the water levels in the tanks and it controls the working of the pump. Conclusion           This is the easiest way to make the Host Computer to pin connection. The next step is actually using this connection to download programs to the internal memory and to receive debug information through the IC. Microcontrollers are used in automatically controlled products and devices, such as automobile engine control systems, implantable medical devices, remote controls, office machines, appliances, power tools, and toys. By reducing the size and cost compared to a design that uses a separate microprocessor, memory, and input/output devices, microcontrollers make it economical to digitally control even more devices and processes. Mixed signal microcontrollers are common, integrating analog components needed to control non-digital electronic systems.
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